Saturday Morning Football

Monasterevin v Kill U-9 (0)

These early Saturday mornings are a real killer, with the good wife in work I get the privilege of organising the three kids, then its of to Ryan’s weekly football match. Ryan recently signed up for the Monasterevin AFC U-9 team, with training every Wednesday evening followed by a match on Saturday morning. After the hammering the kids took at an away fixture against Clane, It was a welcome home match against Kill. I must say the kids played much better this week with an unfortunate draw as the home team were leading right up to the end. Its a real credit to the coaches whom give up their time to train the team. Who knows perhaps next weeks match may result in a win :-). The one thing I noticed from shooting some of these sporting events is that I really must invest in a faster lense, because these kids are just too fast for me. Maybe Santa Claus might hook me up this Christmas :-). Anyway enjoy the slideshow.

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About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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8 Responses to Saturday Morning Football

  1. smilecalm says:

    teamwork, what fun!


  2. Hi, Ed. I shoot fast-moving subjects such as birds. I don’t have fast lenses, but I use a number of techniques to get a higher number of keepers. For example, I have my camera set up to shoot multiple frames each time I press the shutter. I also use Nikon’s “AF-C” mode, which is Continuous Auto-Focus: the camera continuous to focus until the shutter is pressed. (Most people are more used to “AF-S”: Single Auto-Focus: you press the shutter half-way, there’s a beep to confirm focus, and you take the picture.) Keep your ISO up, so you can shoot at fast shutter speeds. You may already be familiar with these ideas, but they’re the ones I use and practice. You can find more info in the manual, a Google search, or YouTube has some great videos. Hope this helps!


    • Thanks Beth, I too use AF-C, a great little trick and almost every time it produces at least a couple of great shots, especially when you pan through a play. Its the only way to keep up with these little guys and I will continue too use until I can afford something faster. I mainly shoot old castles and historical monuments, so I have never been able or needed to justify the expense!
      But with my eldest involved with sports more now it is getting harder to keep up. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and the comments, they are much appreciated, 🙂



  3. LB says:

    Look at the concentration on those faces!!


  4. Adorable children. And yes, they can be pretty fast.


  5. Great fun. Thanks for sharing.


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