

About Ed Mooney Photography

I first experienced the photography bug in 2009. Eventually after becoming the proud owner of a Nikon SLR, I became hooked and haven’t looked back since. It would be a rare occasion to find me without a camera nearby.. I use a combination of traditional SLR’s , Go Pro’s & my trusty  Huawei P20 Pro with Lecia triple  lense. Over the last few years I have been busy honing my craft. What began as looking for something interesting to shoot, has developed into ‘Bit of a Monster‘.
I now mainly concentrate on combining my passion for photography with a deep interest in History, Old Ruins, Folklore & Mythology. Much of my free time is now spent travelling around the Irish countryside in search of his next Adventure, which I fondly refer to as ‘Ruin-hunting‘.
‘I have always had a deep interest in the fascinating history and lore associated with Ireland, sometimes sprinkled with a pinch of the arcane for good measure. With much of my current work I get a chance to merge these interests into my images.
When I explore many of these ancient sites, I feel like I am entering another realm. The Realm of the Past so to speak.’  
I see my work as a merging of three separate Realms. Past, Present & Future. The exploration or Ruin-hunting represents the past. After researching these places & writing blogs which make the sites relevant, leading my work into the Present. The combination of everything then gets published on line thus preserving it in the future.

For those interested in visiting these historic sites, I have created an ‘Interactive Ruin Map‘, to assist you in finding these, sometimes hidden places. You can view Image Archives via my Website. Or you can read more about my Ruin-hunting via the Photo-Blog.

All The Best,


433 Responses to About

  1. petrel41 says:

    Hi, good news, Ed!

    I have nominated your blog for the Versatile Blogger Award.

    The rules of the award are at

    Versatile Blogger Award, thanks tuttacronaca!



  2. Ajaytao2010 says:

    Nice reading about you Ed

    Thanks for visiting my blog Ajaytao2010@wordpress.com. Browse through the category sections, I feel you may definitely find something of your interest.


  3. matt says:

    Thanks for the like; I appreciate your taking the time to do that.


  4. kimmodica says:

    Hello, Ed!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I can’t wait to look at more of yours!
    God bless,


  5. kindadukish says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog and liking the Hill of Three Crosses in Vilnius photograph. I too have become obsessed with photography since buying my Nikon D5100.


  6. Angi says:

    Thank you for the like 🙂


  7. melgallegos says:

    thanks for dropping by at my blogsite. you have great photos in here…looking forward for more.



  8. Thanks for visiting my blog and leave some likes. Lots of nice photos on your blog. I especially like the ruins. I’ll return for a further look. Cheers, harrie


  9. cari365 says:

    Hi Ed, thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods 🙂 (blog). You have some Awesome photos…absolutely love the B&W ruins. I will be back soon, to check out more.


  10. Tank you for stopping by my blog – I’ve been enjoying yours. The pictures of the ruins are great – wish I had spent more time visiting sites like those when I lived in Ireland. My son wants us to move back, so maybe one day! Looking forward to seeing more of your work.


  11. fgassette says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog today. I appreciate the time you took to stop by. May your day be filled with joy and peace.


  12. Hi Ed. Very nice to connect with you. Thanks for visiting & admiring my photography 🙂


  13. findmeabreak says:

    Thanks for dropping by. Stunning photos you got there!


  14. mamacormier says:

    Thanks for stopping by. My husband and I are hoping to get back to Ireland this summer to meet up with my son, who is presently in the Netherlands. He’s never met the Irish side of the family so we thought we’d make a holiday of it.


  15. gdmkimages says:

    Hi and thanks for liking one of my posts. I love the idea of the interactive map – what a cool way to use technology.


  16. stormyviews says:

    I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award. I hope the you are able to accept. Please check out the rules on my blog http://stormyviews.wordpress.com/


  17. Edward, Glad you enjoyed the shot of my pet butterfly. I’m going to have fun going through your blog. I’ll get to see all of the ruins I didn’t get to visit because my one said it was either too far, dark, wet or dirty …


  18. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award | Southern Goddess Paranormal

  19. Thank you so much for the nomination 😉
    I am a artist.
    I am a mother.
    I am a grandmother.
    I have four grandchildren and a new one due in November.
    I love nature.
    I love many kinds of music, classical to metal.
    I have many pets.


  20. Pingback: Nominated For Versatile Blogger | Southern Goddess Paranormal

  21. I’m with you Ed, take a camera everywhere, the best shots always come up when you don’t have it!


  22. rigmover says:

    Hey thanks for the visit and like on my blog, you have a great blog here.


  23. Thank you for the follow


  24. Thanks for popping by and visiting my blog, to be honest I really have no idea what I am doing so I guess it might look a little disorganised, unlike yours which is so neat and tidy and quite beautiful.
    Your photography is amazing too, youcertainly have the eye for a good shot, did you see my lunar eclipse photo’s, it was so big and bright last night and I couldn’t resist taking a few shots.


  25. Very nice site. Thankx


  26. Hi Ed, thanks for visiting my blog. Love what you are doing with the Ruins, Look forward to seeing more!


  27. insentives says:

    Hey Ed, nice work you’re doing, thank you for visiting my blog!


  28. Thanks for dropping by – you have an interesting blog! Nice work 🙂


  29. You already commented on my sort-of-dead-blog but I do appreciate the Follow and hope to see more of your lovely work 🙂 Thanks!


  30. Ashley says:

    Thanks for stopping by and liking my post! Your photography is beautiful and I love your subject matter. I look forward to more! Hope you stop by again!


  31. Edward, thanks a lot for stopping by my blogsite and your kind words. I’ve been enjoying your amazing photography. I especially love your work on Ruins, really touching. I look forward to seeing more!


  32. Kavita Joshi says:

    My dear friend…I have nominated you with the Super Sweet Award…it’s OK for you to take time to post about it or if you are busy then leave it as well so that it doesn’t become a chore…but I would like to show my appreciation through this award for your awesome blog and you being such a nice person and an awesome friend. Wish you an awesome day ahead!

    Super Sweet Award


  33. nikolakoydl says:

    Thank you for visiting my site.Nikola Koydl


  34. Pingback: gurtredlop

  35. Thanks for your kind words! Love the site. Particularly the B&W shots of medieval architecture. Sometimes colour can distract the eye away from stone detail. Cheers!


  36. Hey champ, your stuff is great. Do you have any shots of the Grianan of Aileach, I broke a drunken week in Derry about 25 years ago to go wandering around that great old fort?


    • Hi Peter, Glad you liked them. I was up on Greenan Hill many years ago, it is on my bucket list. There are many fantastic places in Northern Ireland.


      • i’ve just thrown up on my blog some samples of low res black and white shots of Inner Sydney at night, taken with an old Blackberry. sort of anti-photography, but with love of photography at the core. might be something there you like?


  37. Yes, one of Europe’s great undiscovered regions, don’t tell anyone…


  38. Memory Catcher says:

    You are nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I find your blog inspirational in the story your photographs portray. They are enjoyable to view. Find the rules at my blog, Memory Catcher, http://memorycatcher.me/2013/05/09/very-inspiring-blogger-award/. Thank you for your inspiration and support. CONGRATULATIONS! Sally


  39. Thanks for the follow! I’m so excited to have someone from Ireland read and look at my photos — even if they use a Nikon. I was there about 10 years ago. Great place. Beautiful. Lovely photos.


  40. chirose says:

    Hello Ed..!! I love your blog..!! I love Ireland..!! The photos, the history..Hell maybe I even love you..!! Therefore, I award you with The Very Inspiring Blogger Award which is a fun way of building community.

    unexpected surprises


  41. Mike says:

    Thanks for the like Ed. Interesting pics and site. Good stuff!


  42. out10about says:

    Hi Ed, thanks for stopping by my blog. I really like the direction you’ve given site visitors in your [About] section and your gravatar. You’ve given me some great ideas. Looking forward to seeing more of your work. 🙂


  43. Indira says:

    thanks for visiting my site and liking it.


  44. silentwonderland says:

    Hey! I don’t know what you think about awards, but I received the Sunshine award and I nominated you, I hope you accept it and share it with other bloggers http://silentwonderland.wordpress.com/2013/05/16/sunshine-award-thanks-to-chourouk-dreams/, I like your blog and your posts enlighten my day


  45. Thanks for looking at my blog. I wouldn’t mind going to Ireland to shoot some pictures myself! Nice work.


  46. anamwong says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, http:anamwongphotography.wordpress.com and liking “Taking a load off”. I like your work and look forward to seeing more.


  47. thanks for stopping by my page http://travelingzulu.wordpress.com/
    ….some amazingly good images in your collection too, look forward to seeing more


  48. feechalkley says:

    Thank you for the like 🙂


  49. julyaoui says:

    Thanks for coming by. You’ve got some great photography work here. NIce of you to share them.


  50. Thanks for stopping by my blog–I would love to photograph your corner of the world some day!


  51. hspheritage says:

    Hello! I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award – hope you don’t mind! Look here for info http://http://hspheritage.com/what-is-this


  52. Rich Green says:

    Thanks for visiting my photo blog! Have a great day.


  53. Thank you for stopping at the Peninsula Times and taking the time out to read a post on our blog it is very much appreciated. I have just been looking through your images and i really like a huge number of them. There is a real atmosphere in so many of them nice work all round


  54. Thanks for the like on my blog! Sadly, we are not touching Ireland on this trip, although I still have vivid memories of a week there a long time ago. Aussies love how green it is (although how it gets that way is a bit of a shock to the system – honestly – can rain really fall every day?). I’ll be following for more of you wonderful photos.


  55. HI,
    Thanks for visiting and liking my blog.
    Best thing about your like? It brought me here! You have some great pictures and I’ll be back to view more!


  56. Expat Eye says:

    Hi Ed, thanks for the like! Some beautiful photos here! Linda.


  57. Thanks for liking my post! Hopefully when Emuna Endeavor gets to Ireland we can connect in person! http://emunaendeavor.wordpress.com/


  58. Hi Ed! Thanks for visiting my blog. Much appreciated 🙂 Have a good weekend.


  59. philandre says:

    It’s my first visit to your blog and I just wanted to say: you have some stunning black and white shots! I’ll be back because it’s a pretty extensive blog! Glad you like “In search of unusual destinations”, by the way. Phil.


  60. I have nominated you for the The “One Lovely Blog” Award.
    You can find the information on the below link if you choose to accept the award.


  61. clumsyfool says:

    I Love your blog! That’s why I think you deserve some awards! Just pick whichever you want (up to 7 awards) and check my blog (http://clumsyfool.wordpress.com/2013/06/04/sooo-many-awards/ ) for further details.
    Good luck! 🙂


  62. Yes! Thank you for the follow, as well. I love your photos and they are really getting me excited about visited Ireland in a few weeks! Can’t wait to look into more of your stuff.


  63. May be its the geography thing, but I find your blog really interesting and for that I nominate you for a triple award. Details are on my latest blog, along with the other nominees. Have a great holiday in the Canaries. 🏆


  64. Alison says:

    Hi Ed. Nice to meet you and your blog. Beautiful photographs. Thanks for visiting our blog and for the ‘like’ on the post about how we decide where to go. I think Ireland should be on our list – I’ve wanted to go there since I was about 14 yrs old and singing along to Tommy Makem and the Clancy Brothers 🙂


  65. chirose says:

    Hi Ed, I have nominated you for the “Shine On Award”. I really enjoy following your blog, keep up the wonderful work! Rose


  66. aj vosse says:

    Strange how I should stop by today when I’ve featured my Nikon in today’s post… 😉

    Thanks for stopping by OMBH… it’s always gratifying when a professional photographer likes one of my posts! 😉


  67. Thanks for your visit and like. You have a very nice blog here. Continue the good work.


  68. carmenaidacreates says:

    It never ceases to amaze me when a really great photographer likes one of photos. Just like you. Thanks for liking my Lock 12 post. Your photos are truly amazing & will definitely visit you often for inspiration. Carmen Aida


  69. Die reis says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  70. Lovely photos and interesting facts. Thanks for dropping in on my blog.


  71. Donica says:

    Hello! Thanks for taking a look at the Allora, Viterbo blog. After reading about your interests, I thought you might enjoy a site that a colleague of mine at the University of Nevada is creating. Called Voices from the Dawn (http://www.voicesfromthedawn.com/), he’s chronicling the folklore of Irish monuments. He’s in Ireland now, adding more photography.


    • Ah yes, Im familliar with this site, its very cool. This was one of three sites that inspired and helped me get started. 🙂 I must check it out for updates its must be over a year since i last visited the site.


  72. Thanks for dropping by. I will check out your site! My art site is MichelledeVilliersArt.com.


  73. Hi Ed! Thanks for stopping by my page at http://www.midihideaways.wordpress.com – glad to know that you liked my latest post!! Off to visit your page now!


  74. Rowena2020 says:

    thanks for the visit and LIKe 🙂


  75. gynjii says:

    Hello! I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! It’s really just a fancy way of saying I like what you post and think other people should check you out! If you want to pay it forward to blogs you admire, you can check out the details on my post: http://domesticgeekgirl.wordpress.com/2013/07/24/the-versatile-blogger-award/
    I love your blog! Thanks for keeping my WordPress reader feed classy! ^_^


  76. George61d says:

    Thanks for the like, on the free gallery print post, I appreciate the time taken to view it.
    Good luck with your blog


  77. I am honored you felt compelled by my Beetle Juice post to visit my photography blog. Thanks for the ‘like.’ Kudos to you for preserving your ancient and historical sites!


  78. Brilliant stuff you have here Ed, particularly liked the B&W’s! Thank you for stopping by my photographer’s blog too!


  79. Thanks for visiting and liking our blog post. Your photos of Ireland are beautiful – I can’t wait to get there for a visit myself!


  80. arrayahloynd says:

    thanks for the like on my post. I love the sense of history that comes through in your images. What a beautiful part of the world you live in.


  81. carmenaidacreates says:

    What can I say but I just love your work. You give me a vacation through lens every time I look at your blog & an encouragement ALWAYS. Carmen Aida


  82. hi ed,

    thanks for liking my recent post and dropping by.
    good to meet you.
    you have captured some really beautiful images of beautiful ireland.
    keep up the good work.
    hope to hear from you again.

    very best regards,


  83. Hey Ed. Thanks for being one of my first followers and always supporting my stories. I love your work and you have always been so helpful. It means a lot 🙂

    I was awarded these 2 awards and was asked to pay it forward by selecting other people to receive them. I thought of you right away. I hope you find the time to accept them. xoxox


  84. Grannymar says:

    Ed, I like what you do here. I was smiling at your description of your cameras. Mine sits in the palm of my hand, or I used my phone to grab a few shots. I suppose you could say I was a fraud to use the tag Photography, but like blogging, I do so to have fun!


  85. Wish had checked emails sooner,we were recently in Ireland. Do you know anything about Saint Kevin? the pilgrims way at Wicklow mountains . there is a ruined church and monastery. your blog is inspirational and will savour.


    • Hi Thank you, yes St. Kevin is best known for the site at Glendalough. There are about eight sites at this location, all of which are on my bucket list.
      What many people don’t know is that before Glendalough he resided in my hometown of Kilnamanagh. Unfortunately all that remains of the monastery here is a holy well.


  86. 9agz3 says:

    Hi Ed, thank you for liking my latest post!


  87. aliciasunday says:

    Hi, thanks for visiting my blog. Couple of years ago I worked as a picture researcher on ‘A Short History of Ireland’ by Ranelagh so got to know a little about Ireland’s ancient and cultural history through the book, very interesting, good to know you are documenting these sites.


    • My pleasure Alicia,that must have been a cool job, I have not read Johns book yet, but will have a look for it. It takes a crazy amount of time doing this, but when you see the end result and get such positve feedback from people its all worth it,

      Thanks again,



  88. nikond7100shooter says:

    I really like your black & white photos. They have a moody/dramatic feel to them. Keep up the good work


  89. holliegraceanne says:

    Thanks for the “like” on my blog post! Yours is pretty cool too. I love photography! I wish I could be a photo journalist. Happy blogging!!!


  90. redstuffdan says:

    Bonjour Ed,

    Like our little piece of France you seem to have lots of beautiful churches and historic castles in your part of the world. Great photos but do find some of them a little dark (subject Not exposure).
    Really like the Goat Castle stuff especially the interiors, they have a painting like quality.

    Perhaps you could advise how you get your Copyright watermark. We dont have photoshop, just ‘Paint’ and my IT skills are pretty basic.




    • Thanks Dan,
      I only recently stated using Mono for some of my images and am still perfecting my Technique. Some images as you said are quite dark. I guess it all depends on my mood when editing certain sites.
      I watermark as part of my editing process in Photoshop CS5. Let me have look at paint and I shall see if I can do a tutorial post on this, 🙂


    • Thanks Dan,
      I only recently stated using Mono for some of my images and am still perfecting my Technique. Some images as you said are quite dark. I guess it all depends on my mood when editing certain sites.
      I watermark as part of my editing process in Photoshop CS5. Let me have look at paint and I shall see if I can do a tutorial post on this, 🙂


  91. Hi Ed, thanks for following my blog. Great to be in touch. Can’t wait to see what you post next. Yvette


  92. Hi Ed! I have nominated you for ‘The Wonderful Team Member Readership Award’. Congrats! 🙂 There is more info on this slightly ‘wordy’ award on my blog. Have a great day!


  93. 90vinitablog says:

    Hello Ed!!!!…Thanks for stopping by my post . You got a great blog going on your side… Looking to learn a bit from you :)….Good Luck with your work


    • Many Thanks, glad you stopped by, I have some interesting posts coming soon as a result of requests for tutorials. If there is anything you might like to see covered and I know how to do it i would love to hear from you 🙂


  94. GoldyGal says:

    One award coming your way…Loook out ! here it is 😀


  95. apron6 says:

    Thank you for liking my blogpost earlier today 😉


  96. Maggie Beck says:

    Ed, thanks so much for liking my post today on Tide Line Still Life. Oh, how I look forward to crossing the pond to visit Ireland again and explore your tidelines! Best, Maggie


  97. vsperry says:

    Thanks for stopping by and liking my latest post on the Brooklyn Bridge etc. Your photography is lovely and how fun to have such amazing things to photograph right in your back yard! (And your kids are cute too…)


  98. gabrielle157 says:

    Thanks for liking my post! I’ve enjoyed taking a peek through your photos, and I’ve further decided two things: I MUST travel to Ireland soon, and ginger kids are pretty durn cute 😉

    Best wishes!


  99. kalabalu says:

    Hi, I present to you, “The Versatile Blogger Award”.
    http://kalabalu.wordpress.com/2013/08/The- Versatile-Blogger/


  100. Sada Khanal says:

    Thank you for the liking my post.. 🙂


  101. supremeicon says:

    Thanks for checking out my post 🙂 some of those ruins must be absolutely amazing to see! I like the one on the hill behind the St Mary’s hospital. Brings out my inner child and I want to explore! 🙂


  102. Hi Ed – hope you’re doing well mate. Another blooger nominated me for some photo contest…thought I’d enter – why not! So now paying there favour forward to people who I think have some great photos – I am nominating you too, if you’re interested! First prize is money – which is always nice ;P. G’luck!

    Details on how to enter etc on my entry page: http://alternativerealityblogger.wordpress.com/2013/08/24/804/


  103. janand503 says:

    thanks for liking my post.


  104. Hi Ed, thanks for stopping by my blog. I imagine, living in Ireland gives you lots of creative opportunities to use your camera. Just came back from Scotland and loved the landscape, so different from where I am living here in Virginia, US or where I am from (Germany).


    • Thank You, yes Scotland is quite similar to Ireland for its scenery and landscapes, perhaps a little bit wetter and mountainous, I am sure though there is plenty of places in both Germany and the US to shoot! Thanks for stopping by, 🙂


  105. archecotech says:

    Thank you, my friend! Your blog came to my mind for the Liester Award. I just wanted to thank you for being a support and to encourage others to visit your blog. I always find great pleasure in reading your blog. Thanks again, here’s the link to the nominee post, http://hague6185.wordpress.com/2013/09/02/the-liebster-award/


  106. Hey thanks for the like on my last post….you are a great photographer and seem to like the outdoors a lot which is also my favourite…would love to visit Ireland one day to enjoy the beautiful landscapes.


  107. Hey, Edward! I have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award! Check it out 🙂


  108. desterre says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog. Your images and their histories are fascinating


  109. Ted West says:

    Thanks for sharing photos of your beautiful country! Maybe one day I’ll get over for a visit.


  110. cate b says:

    Love your work 😀 Thank you so much for visiting my blog 😀


  111. akosmopolite says:

    Thank you for liking my blog post 🙂 wrote it on a whim while looking out my bathroom Window, believe it or not LOL. I like your bio, it’s how I feel about life in general.. Meeting ppl and connecting with others and capturing life. 🙂 have a great day!


  112. You have quite an impressive collection of Irish history here! I admire your photos and history lessons. Thanks for sharing them with the outside world!


  113. Chris Brann says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog, I love your pictures and the history, 2 of my interests.


  114. beetleypete says:

    Hi Ed, and greetings from Norfolk! Thanks for the like on my recent post. You have some great photos here, especially the B+W stuff. As a photographer, you may find this older post of mine to be of some interest; http://beetleypete.wordpress.com/2012/08/08/photography-and-cameras/
    Regards, Pete.


  115. magwood says:

    Hi Ed, thanks for the like. I love photography, but am just a ‘snapper’. There are many photo opportunities here in the mountains of Andalusia and I always carry my camera. Best wishes, maggie


  116. Thanks for the like again Ed. Really like your black & white work, should experiment with it myself more often. Any pictures of Menlo castle in Galway, brings back memories 🙂



  117. annetbell says:

    How lovely to have a like from a real photographer! Many thanks. I hope you will visit again soon and often. Namaste. . . .


  118. herschelian says:

    Ni hao Ed – thanks for stopping by my blog Jasmine Tea & Jiaozi, I echo what another commenter said – lovely to have a like from a REAL photographer – I am a complete amateur..and it shows, but my heart is in the right place! Hope to see you again. Zaijian


    • Ni hao ma? Wo hen hao, xie xie!

      Sorry my Mandarin is a bit rusty, I am flattered by everyone’s comments, but I still would consider myself an amateur photographer. I’m still learning something every day. Some people go Pro and think they know it all, but that aint for me. I will be happy to continue learning and doing what I love.

      Thanks for stopping by, keep in touch, I look forward to seeing more of your posts,

      Bao zhong 🙂


  119. marykay93 says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I never expect to have visitors, so it is a pleasant surprise when I do. Your pictures are absolutely beautiful! I have an Olympus digital camera and hope some day to purchase a DSLR.


  120. azpictured says:

    Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a like for ‘Sneaking Up’. Always nice to get feedback from a fellow photographer 🙂 I shall enjoy exploring your work some more.


  121. Ginger says:

    Thanx Ed for visiting my blog, really appreciated! I like your pictures i have seen so far, especially the ones with the cows, so i will check out some more..thanx again for your support!


  122. petrel41 says:

    Congratulations, Edward!

    I have nominated your blog for the Awesome Blog Content Award.

    More about this nomination is at

    Awesome Blog Content Award, thanks Carina!


  123. jamoroki says:

    Hi Ed. Thanks for liking my post. I’m flattered because you are a pro and I am just having fun. But we are short on Guinness in Chiang Mai I’m afraid. Keep well. JK


  124. Having seen so many photography sites/blogs here and around the web, I must say that your approach is very unique and engaging. I really love how you tell a story with your photos and with your words. I’ll be coming back again and again and again. I couldn’t help but share a couple great tales of Irish Lore to facebook and to my own blog. Hope that’s OK with you. 🙂


  125. Thanks for bringing my attention to your work by liking my blog. You have a really great site here and I plan to keep checking it out. Hope as I upgrade my page you’ll stop by on occasion. btw, I made a 10 day trip to Ireland six years ago and was inspired to start writing again. One of the great trips of my lifetime!


  126. edwardevans1 says:

    Thanks for dropping on by my blog…you have some impressive work!


    • Thanks Edward, I found your design work fascinating. Although my mainstream is photography, I have dabbled a bit in graphic design as a complete novice. I love watching ideas evolve into a finished product, bit like editing images,
      Look forward to seeing more from you,



      • edwardevans1 says:

        Why thank you. You have some haunting yet beautiful work…I have been studying Graphic Design at Degree level, and have decided that the missing element is to take on the photography myself, rather than purchase or credit to others. I still struggle with finding that perfect shot, but really enjoy developing something from nothing. I look forward to following your blog!


  127. pipodj says:

    I saw you followed my blog and you’re the first to actually do it! Thank you and as an appreciation, followed yours in return. Great blog you got here and i hope reading through your posts i will learn a lot about photography. Thanks!


  128. Your work is wonderful and I look forward to seeing more-
    Thank you too for visiting Move the Chair-I appreciate you taking the time to look around-


  129. ohiocook says:

    Thank you for dropping by my blog.


  130. Sue Vincent says:


    Mentioned in despatches 🙂


  131. Thanks so much for stopping by and following us – excited to have someone from Ireland reading our little blog!


  132. lindasgalvin says:

    Thank you Ed for dropping by and liking my post about the Bishop Edward King chapel at Cuddesdon – it is certainly an impressive space and great for photoshots. Have enjoyed looking at your photos as well and think that your project is a wonderful way of preserving history. If you ever come across any ‘Galvin’ history let me know!


  133. jamoroki says:

    You are a star Ed. You like me a lot and I feel guilty because I don’t check you out enough. It doesn’t mean I don’t like your stuff. I always do. Thanks so much. James.


  134. twobitwo says:

    Hi Ed, thanks for liking my recent post!


  135. larryjben says:

    Thanks for the like. Hope to see more of your work.


  136. John Pascoe says:

    Thanks for the like! If you ever want to give the camera a really good work-out, and totally fill up the memory card, Belize is a very photogenic destination.


  137. ravenlady68 says:

    Thanks for the visit to my blog 🙂 Taken a look at your place here and you have some wonderful photos here. My late husband and a friend of his went to Ireland in 2005 for a fishing trip around Galway forgot exactly where.


  138. ksbeth says:

    thanks for reading and liking my blog ed – this photo has always fascinated me, i am ever interested in the backstories of old photos, and this happened to be my family, so it was even better. i look forward to following your blog and seeing your work – peace, beth


  139. hakesplace says:

    Congratulations! I have just nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Please click below to accept or simply enjoy the moment if you wish not to accept. Either way, I thank you for your awesome blog full of inspiration! http://hakescafe.com/2013/11/28/very-inspiring-blogger-award/
    White Rabbit


  140. Very interesting discovery of your site today. I look forward to seeing more of your historical work.


  141. Thanks for liking my post Ed!


  142. ThorNews says:

    Hey Edward! You should come to Norway to work for ThorNews: Our photography skills are at best limited. You take amazing pictures! Thor


    • Why Thank you, Is that a job offer? 🙂 I would love to travel Norway, I reckon I could spend years there, but its so expensive even by Irish prices. You don’t have to be a pro to take good pics, I love following your posts, 🙂


  143. themofman says:

    Edward, thanks for taking a look at the Hammer Home Street Photography Project.

    Keep shooting!


  144. rosirioja says:

    Hi, thanks for visiting my blog. Yours is awesome! Keep taking shots! 😀


  145. @makingkai says:

    Thanks for passing by my blog! I’m a Nikon fan too (though my DSLR has suffered some injuries so its iPhone snaps for now)!


    • Ah yes, they do take a beating when you get out and about. Hopefully I will get another few months out of mine before it dies. Nothing wrong with the iPhone camera, i’ve seen it take some stunning images. My only issue is with the phone itself. I’m not a fan of all the syncing one has to do with iTunes. That’s why I use the HTC 1. Look forward to seeing more of your iPhone images, 🙂


  146. Emma Windsor says:

    Hiya Ed….many thanks for the like on my Izabel Goulart blog….xx


  147. colleenldonnelly says:

    Great profile pic! Kind of makes you run a quick hand through your hair. Thanks for visiting my blog and introducing me to yours!


  148. Hi Ed

    Thanks for the visit and like. Hope you’ll visit HRonlinePH.com often and support our advocacy. Thanks again and more power! Nice blog here by the way.


  149. andthreetogo says:

    Thank you for visiting andthreetogo.wordpress.com and liking my Monday Montage post this week. 🙂 Happy holidays!


  150. Pingback: About | edmooneyphotography

  151. sandradan1 says:

    Hi Ed
    I was new to blogging last year and I guess I have explored hundreds of different blogs over the year – people who live in Spain, writers, photographers, foodies, book reviewers and some I struggle to define! That’s a lot of reading. Your blog is one I keep returning to, and so I’d like to nominate you for the Sunshine Award.
    Please click below to read more about the award:-
    Many thanks, and Happy Blogging in 2014!


  152. athyfoto says:

    Hello Ed,
    Thanks for the Like today. Yours looks a very interesting blog and I look forward to looking around here more.


  153. BEYOND GREAT !!!
    did a portrait of you on my blog


  154. MaldivesDreamer says:

    Thank you so much for checking out my blog! I’m glad as it led me here – you have some amazing pictures on your blog!! 🙂


  155. addareview says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and having a wee read! It also meant I got to check out some of your great photography! – All the best!


  156. lorenddavis says:

    Thank you for liking my post: To Anthony–From Great Grandpa. Please follow my blog, lorenddavis.wordpress.com. It would mean the world to me. Thank you, and have a wonderful day!


  157. Amazing photos. I am kind of embarrassed to tag mine photography. But not enough to stop! 🙂


  158. Hello Ed ! Thanks for following A Journey of Wonders (www.journeywonders.com), I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading about my travel adventures as well as my tips for saving money in order to travel more 😀


  159. Rich Green says:

    Thanks for liking a bunch of recent photos on my blog. Happy New Year.


  160. Emma Windsor says:

    Hiya Ed….love your innovative work and evocative pictures. Thank you for the like on my Izabel Goulart blog…..xx


  161. aliewsMuses says:

    Thank you Ed for dropping by my blog and liking my photo post. Your B&W photography is fantastic, I enjoyed looking at some of your work.


  162. Thanks for the like on my medieval doodle!


  163. Nice photos Ed. I live in south central PA and this one guy lives near Wilkes-Barre to the north http://amityphotos.zenfolio.com/ and this man lives near Philly http://thecemeterytraveler.blogspot.com/ I am in email exchanges with both of them. Lee


  164. seaangel4444 says:

    Hi Ed!! I have nominated you for the Awesome Blossom and Lighthouse Awards. Please get the badges at http://wp.me/p4doQv-a0 and more info as well. I hope you have a fantastic day! Cher xo


  165. colleenldonnelly says:

    Thank you, for sharing your vision – past, present, and future – with us!


  166. Bob Mills says:

    Good Morning
    Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and for liking some of my work.
    I look forward to revisiting yours soon and found it really interesting.


  167. gapark says:

    My Peeps are from Ireland–Skibbereen in Cork–so I’m looking forward to checking out your photos! Gail


  168. Jennay says:

    Hey Ed! So glad you stopped by my little corner of the blog world! Thanks for coming by and saying hello! I’m looking forward to following you and keeping up-to-date in your world! I love your historical posts…very intriguing!


  169. photoitaly says:

    Hi Ed, thank you for visiting our Blog and letting us know yours! Your black and white shots are really interesting, a taste of “Gothic novel” in some of them 🙂 I will keep on looking at your beautiful pictures and if you want to join one of our workshops I’m sure you will like them!


  170. "Occam Blade" says:

    Your site is so chock full of cool stuff that it’s going to take me quite awhile to pour through it. Nicely done! And thank you for stopping by my blog too! I wish you all the best in your pursuits in life and the blogosphere. Loved the pix of your family at Christmas. Those were the days for me…!


  171. Terry Denton says:

    Hi Ed, thanks for stopping by my quirky travel blog, TravelByTerry. I am so glad you enjoyed “El Ganzo Lays More Golden Eggs”. I promised to take a spin around your site as well.


  172. who knew photographers could be so handsome! Happy Valentine to you and your Loved Ones at home! 😉 PS~ thank you from the bottom of my ❤ for 'liking' me & mine!


  173. D. James Fortescue says:

    Getting to roam the Irish countryside and photographing ruins sounds absolutely awesome. You are lucky to live in a realm so steeped in history and with such amazing buildings.

    Love your ‘Past, Present, Future’ classifying of your work. I have started to classify my works in such a way, genres be damned =)


  174. Hey thanx for visiting my site. Its nice to find another photography related site here. Love your work, wishing you all the best!


  175. emeraldwake says:

    Brilliant Blog,nice to find You ,it was a pleasure to be here,Regards from Poland,EM


  176. Thanks for visiting and liking my site, Ed! Love your B&Ws!


  177. AWESOME stuff. I love how you’ve combined your passion for photography with the education/story-telling of history (past, present, and future)! Cheers mate!


  178. michaelsfriend says:

    Really like the Abbey at Kildare photos. Harken back to a different time and place.


  179. damsalinterrupted says:

    Beautiful shots of kildare. Based in county kildare myself. Thanks for visiting my site anyway. I’ll definitely be back to yours.


  180. Hi thanks for the like on my blog post about Dublin! Your photography is really beautiful, and I like the posts on myths and lore!


  181. Victoria says:

    Your black and white photography is stunning!


  182. Rich Green says:

    Thanks for liking some photos on my photo blog. Best to you.


  183. Hello Ed! Thank you so much for stoping by my blog and liking one of my photos! I really appreciate that. Also, I would like to say that your B&W photos are truly romantic with a very deep sense of nostalgia to them.




  184. Thank you for the like, I do hope you will enjoy the future posts 😉


  185. Jaye says:

    hi Ed! thanks for dropping by my blog and always liking my post. truly appreciate it much. I see from our profile you love mythology and ancient sites! i guess we have something in common. i hope you enjoy my recent post about Egypt! thanks again!



  186. hodgepodge4thesoul says:

    Beautiful photos, Edward. Thank you for the visit and the “like.” Have a great day. 🙂


  187. povp says:

    Thanks for linking my ‘Climbing up’ post, very much appreciated! Love your Ruins pictures btw.


  188. thatssojacob says:

    Ed: Thanks for visiting my blog – hope you enjoyed your stay! I’m taking a course in the Irish Dramatic Revival so I’ve spent my whole morning in the “land of heart’s desire.” Come back and visit soon.


  189. Thank you for stopping by my page C3 Reprographics and following. I appreciate your support as well! You have some wonderful work on your site. I’m looking forward to seeing more.


  190. I just nominated you for the Liebster Award! Check out the post on my blog!


  191. jamoroki says:

    Well done Ed. Congrats


  192. jamoroki says:

    Where Is Laois Ed? I am not far from the Laos/Thailand border but I’m sure the ‘i’ makes a big difference!!


  193. jamoroki says:

    You learn something everyday. I have a post drafted about the Khmer Empire with pics I took of temple ruins near the Thai/Cambodia border. I’ll be publishing it in the next month or two.


  194. thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my post :). Have a wonderful day!


  195. bytetime says:

    Thanks for liking a post on geokult-travel.com. Your blog looks really interesting so am now following 🙂


  196. mwitasblog says:

    Hi Ed. I am truly honored to have you visit my blog. And thank you for a lovely blog, too. I am a genuine lover of photography and will most certainly be following you around!


  197. Martin Drury says:

    Hi Ed, Thank you for liking my photo essay on Cradle Mountain, Tasmania. My partner, bytetime, and I, from Geokult-Travel, have been talking about you and your stunning photography, particularly the Castle shots in ‘Remnants of Sidheán’, and were wandering if you would be interested in us profiling you on our blog.


  198. John Rose says:

    Great photos. Look forward to following your blog.


  199. mahiwords says:

    I’ve recently been nominated for the wordpress family award, and I’ve nominated you as well. Read more about it here http://mahitravel.wordpress.com/2014/04/29/wordpress-family-award/ and pass on the love, happy photography 😉


  200. Hello Ed! I like your blog very, very much, your photos and creativity. That’s why I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. in the following link you can see what it is about: http://vsupertramp.wordpress.com/2014/05/06/liebster-award/


  201. mltishner says:

    Hey Ed! I see you are mighty popular but you deserve it! I have nominated you for a Liebster as well! Here’s the link to it 😀 http://adventuresoflamari.com/2014/05/08/moving-to-germany-t-23-days-liebster-award/


  202. seaangel4444 says:

    Hi Ed! I have nominated you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award! You can find out the details on my blog by following this link: http://wp.me/P4doQv-9K Thank you! Cher xo


  203. EPM says:

    GREAT blog, Ed. Showing us newbies just what can be done. Many thanks for the ‘likes’ over at my place, early days there so all support is much appreciated. All the best – E.P.


    • Why thank you, I find your content fascinating. I am no academic, but have huge interest in the past, be that ancient Irish mythology or foreign cultures. I try to add this to my imagery.
      Looking forward to your future posts,



  204. Rich Green says:

    Thanks for liking a bunch of photos on my photo blog. Best to you.


  205. stever says:

    Thanks for taking the time to view my “Boats” gallery on my blog,. Much appreciated


  206. Thanks for the like 🙂


  207. emeraldwake says:

    Hello,i want to say something, You have style


  208. beamintuputi says:

    Thank you for liking my post. Love your photos ! 🙂


  209. Thank you for checking out my page. Your pictures are incredible. I love your use of contrast!


  210. YorkshireRascal says:

    A great blog well worthy of exploration 🙂 and thank you for your visit and comment too Edward 🙂
    I look forward to following you I’ll be watching a learning 🙂


  211. Tonya R. Moore says:

    Greetings Eddie,
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I really like your black and white photography. Looking forward to seeing more!


  212. Hi, I have nominated you for the very inspiring blogger award. Check it out here:


  213. Rich Green says:

    Thanks for stopping by my photo blog and liking some images. Have a great day!


  214. TheLastWord says:

    HI there, You did me the honour of visiting and liking my blog and so I found your photographs. Some of them are quite remarkable. The one with the general surveying the destruction on the battlefield for one really stands out.

    I can’t say what my blog is about. To use a phrase another blogger used, it’s a bit of a “shaggy mongrel”. I am in the middle of a series of posts about a 2 week trip to France. This is mixed up with other stuff.

    Anyway, I do ramble on a bit. Thanks again and please come over again.


  215. Harold Green says:

    Hi Ed,

    Thank you for following my photography/lyric essay blog: http://throughharoldslens.com. I hope you enjoy your journey.

    To help you launch your travels, I thought you might enjoy a few “Quick Links” to a few of my favorites, from over 250 posts, on Through Harold’s Lens:

    “Shaken! Not Stirred”(Sweden)

    Maiden Mild” (Poland)

    “Dear Daddy.” Alcoholic: The Dark Side. (Your Town)

    On behalf of the entire Creative Team at Through Harold’s Lens, my trusty sidekicks, Mr. SLR Nikon, his brother Mr. Pen Pal and myself, we wish you safe travels.



  216. Thank you for the like at atrivialmindatwork.com. I appreciate positive feedback from other photographers. I looked through your b&w shots. I have not jumped into that realm yet, I am in a macro flower and bug mood right now and I love the almost alien color combos that those magnified views offer. I will be following your blog – thanks again.


  217. Thanks for visiting my blog and leading me back to yours


  218. I don’t know if you participate in such things, but I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award. More Information here: http://randompoison.wordpress.com/2014/08/19/liebster-award/

    Liked by 1 person

  219. Greetings and salutations, Eddie! Awesome photos of Dublin Zoo! Thanks so much for stopping by at Meredithexpat, and I am looking forward to the rest of your blog! take care!

    Liked by 1 person

  220. Thank you for stopping by Storyteller. — Ray

    Liked by 1 person

  221. Debs says:

    Hi! I saw that you liked the post “beggars all – Monsters” and just wanted to let you know that the entire EP is now available for download here: https://beggarsall.bandcamp.com/album/beggars-all.

    Liked by 1 person

  222. Thank you for the like on “DragonMaster University” Jona just got to his parent’s Alma mater. Let’s see where it goes! Lots more coming. 😀 Stay tuned!

    Liked by 1 person

  223. gypsybutterflyca says:

    Hi, I wanted to take a moment & thank you for liking my post, Froggy Went a Courtin’ (Ok, Not Quite)

    Liked by 1 person

  224. roberthorvat says:

    Hi Ed, been meaning to say hello for a while now. Thanks for stopping by my blog repeatedly ! Also found you on titter today too.

    Liked by 1 person

  225. fairchris says:

    Thanks for stopping by and liking our Foggy post

    Liked by 1 person

  226. willowdot21 says:

    Hi Ed and thank you for following me I am grateful, I very taken with your blog too lots here to feed my Celtic side! Be well and happy and power to your keyboard!


  227. Hi Ed, thanks for liking my post therefor leading me to your blog. I can’t wait to go through it. I love, to use your own words, “ruin-hunting”. There is a beauty in old ruins that you just don’t get in modern buildings. I will need to get my own pictures uploaded from some i have explored over here in scotland.

    Liked by 1 person

  228. Piggletino says:

    Thank you for coming by Piggletino, Ed! Piggletino’s scout loves checking out ruins and is most excited to read your blog!!! Now, Piggletino shall try to figure out how to cancel all these silly business trips into towns in order to help his scout find time for ruins hunting! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  229. Capt Jill says:

    Hi Ed,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m glad you liked it.
    I like old stuff and ruins too and I really like your ruin map. I hope to be able to see some of them in person someday.

    Liked by 1 person

  230. Avril Cadden says:

    Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog. I really love your photos and I look forward to following!

    Liked by 1 person

  231. archecotech says:

    Hey Eddie, Wow scrolling down on your comments was a task. That’s cool. Anyway like so many others I’ve nominated your blog – Very Inspiring Blog Award – hope you accept it. Steve


  232. erranteditor says:


    I have nominated your blog for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

    More about this nomination is at



  233. Ankita (https://beautyandthebeing.wordpress.com) says:

    Thanks a ton for checking out my blog and liking….You have a PHENOMENAL blog!
    Following you!



  234. A ruin hunter – I love it! I’ve traipsed all over Europe as well and ruins are definitely the most fun. Do you have any photographs of the Rock of Cashel in Ireland?


  235. Merry Hearts Medicine says:

    Thanks for liking my cave photos on my photo 101 post about “Big.” Have a great day!


  236. I love all things Irish and Scottish. How could I not, born a McIntyre? LOL Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, and I’m glad you enjoyed my post. Look forward to seeing you again soon, doors always open at Jean’s Writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  237. Hi Ed,

    Many thanks for dropping by my blog! I certainly look forward to seeing more of your posts here!

    Liked by 1 person

  238. Haylee says:

    Hi there,

    Thanks for stopping by and liking the ‘green’ edition of my Rainbowfication Chronicles. 🙂

    I’ll be visiting your neck of the woods next week, as we have a week long road trip organised for Ireland, so your ruin hunter map has proven quite handy! I can only hope to get some shots as fantastic as your though!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Haylee, great to hear from you. I found your post quite amusing, being from Ireland, the very personification of Green, I was not aware that so many people had an adversion to it 🙂
      Great to hear your coming over, the sun is shining today, but that can easily change. Hopefully it will remain for the duration of your visit. If you need any tips or advice on anything, just let me know 🙂


      Liked by 1 person

      • Haylee says:

        Haha, yes I did think it would have been better to be in Ireland this week to coincide with my green post!
        And thank you, I definitely intend for us to visit some of the ruins you have on your map, but will also be heading into Northern Ireland to visit the Giant’s Causeway. Fingers crossed it stays sunny but we’ll be packing for every eventuality!

        Liked by 1 person

  239. andih94 says:

    Thanks for the like! Your blog looks really interesting. Lovely photos.

    Liked by 1 person

  240. urbanshutterbuguk says:

    Hi Ed, just wanted to say thanks for visiting & liking my blog post ‘Evolve’, it’s greatly appreciated! You have a wonderful website & a fabulous photographic eye.

    I look forward to following with interest!

    Thanks again, Urban Shutterbug.


  241. vitaf15 says:

    I like the sound of “ruin-hunting” sounds like a fun way to pass the time!

    Liked by 1 person

  242. Galaxy Jane says:

    I love your photographs. I have only been lucky enough to visit Ireland once, about 15 years ago, and I’d love to go back. For me your pictures capture the *feeling* of Ireland better than nearly any I’ve seen. They are lovely, but they also evoke a real emotional response that a lot of others do not.

    Liked by 1 person

  243. Hi, I am simply amazed by this blog. It is wonderful. I have already shared your website on my social network and started following you on Pinterest. Good work.

    Liked by 1 person

  244. aj vosse says:

    Hi Ed, Nikon… class! 😉 Thanks for following OMBH… it always tickles me when a real photographer finds time to visit my blog! I hope you find a smile or two when you visit!! 😉


  245. claire says:

    Thanks for dropping by my blog. I checked yours out and (being a much traveled history fanatic I’ve decided to follow so I can explore more at my leisure.


  246. seagirll says:

    I like your posts. You are great photographer. You have awesome blog. Keep touching 🙂
    Thank you by the way follow my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  247. jrgoslant says:

    Hey, I’m glad you liked one of my posts and it brought me here to your awesome photos!


  248. K.M. Hillenmeyer says:

    This is amazing work! Such a great idea for a blog! I wish I could go see all these places!

    Liked by 1 person

  249. Oh Ed, after following your posts for quite some time, it is only NOW that I saw the little blurb under your photo, about the unhealthy obsession with History and the arcane. I can totally identify with that. Thank you for sharing all your “hunts” in photos here!

    Liked by 1 person

  250. Bushcrafter says:

    Hey Ed! Thanks for visiting my site, so I checked out yours in return. I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised by all the black-and-white photos. I rarely shoot in B&W myself, but yours look fantastic. I also have a soft spot for old ruins and castles, though they seem to be rarer around here.

    Anyway, your website is beautiful and interesting, so I’ve subscribed to keep up with more of your work. All the best, Marc.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ah thank you Marc, much appreciated. Ive only recently started shooting again after a long time away. Sadly I dont get to travel asuch as I ised too, so im having to use the my eyes more now too find interesting things.
      I still hold ruins and IR style shots to heart, but am trying to broaden my horizons, and get out of my comfort zone, dabling a little into street and wildlife too.

      Liked by 1 person