Re-work Wednesday 20

White Castle

A number of weeks ago I did a Re-work of  Crom-Abu Bridge  in Athy. This week I have used a similar shot that shows more of White Castle and only part of the bridge. It was taken from the far bank of the Barrow river on the opposite side of the bridge. Athy is a nice little town to explore with plenty to see. I took many shots down here the day after a family Wedding back in 2012.  I did very little PP on this image, just a mono conversion and then played around with the sliders to achieve the look I wanted. I still like the color image, but find that the B&W version has greater mood and atmosphere.So that’s it for this weeks Re-work, hopefully you enjoyed the re-worked image and I will see you all next Wednesday for another image taken from the archives.


For these and more of my images, why not visit my Website or join me on Facebook or Twitter



About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
This entry was posted in Castles, Diary of a Ruinhunter, Historical, Landscape, Medieval, Photography, Places of Interest, Re-work Wednesday, Ruins and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

29 Responses to Re-work Wednesday 20

  1. Rajiv says:

    They both look great!


  2. Ali Isaac says:

    Wow Ed I can hardly believe thats the same image…what a different atmosphere you have created! Dark, moody, mysterious…looks like something out of GofT!!!


  3. I do like the monochrome image – especially the cropping out of the utility pole. It also seems to have more of a focus on the structure – whereas the color shot you see the whole of the context in which the castle is set. Happy Wednesday!


  4. cjmurdoch says:

    Love this one Ed! Two things I’m fascinated with…. castles and old graveyards! 🙂


  5. bamauthor says:

    I love the dramatic mood of the black and white.


  6. Both wonderful but the mono breathes old history and atmosphere indeed!!


  7. lizcarey2014 says:

    Love the beauty of the black and white photos.


  8. archecotech says:

    Hello Ed, Would you be willing to include this photo in your article for “Life in Russia”. Maybe this next week? Please let me know. Steve


  9. LB says:

    The same photo … two entirely different moods. nicely done!


  10. The B&W is definitely more striking and shows more contrast, I like it a lot.


  11. terryspear says:

    I love color pictures, but I really love the moodiness of the black and white and it’s more….medieval looking. Great work! 🙂


  12. The B/W is much more dramatic.


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