Dunamase Part 1: Junior Ruinhunters

Junior Ruinhunters 4

On Sunday the good wife decided to throw us out of the house to do some cleaning.  It was not a great day weather wise so a trip to the park was out of the question, so I packed the three kids into the car and we went for a drive. As luck would have it, the rain stopped and there was a break in the clouds as we neared the ruins of ‘The Rock of Dunamase’, in Laois. This was the very first ruin I shot about two & a half years ago when I was beginning my journey in the world of photography.Back then I was a complete novice with my camera, I only new how to shot in Auto mode and my editing skills in Photoshop were non existant. You can see my first post about the Rock HERE. So as I never leave home without my trusty DSLR, I taught it was a good opportunity to pay another visit to Dunamase and let the kids explore another ruin.

Junior Ruinhunters 1

Junior Ruinhunters 4

Ryan my eldest has been on a couple of excursions before and is starting to get the photography bug. But Ava and Dylan only started a couple of months ago, you can read more about this HERE. I will try to get my new Dunamase images posted later on today, but first a couple of shots of the kids exploring their first Castle. As mentioned Ryan only seemed interested in taking shots of the ruins to show his teacher and classmates in school on Monday. Ava was a real surprise, not usually adventurous, Ava really got into exploring every inch of Dunamase, climbing up walls and jumping through the old windows as well as posing for some shots. Going home later she asked me was ‘She a real princess’, now that she had her castle! 🙂

Junior Ruinhunters 5

Junior Ruinhunters 6

Finally Dylan, no surprise here. Dylan true to form was in a mood for fighting, when he wasn’t trying to get the camera of his big brother to take pictures of his fingers he was storming around the castle grounds kicking and shouting. He can be a real handful at times, but I guess if he had been back in the times of the ruins former glory he would have single handedly defended its walls from any attacker. This is one two year old you definitely not want to mess with.:-)

Junior Ruinhunters 7

Junior Ruinhunters 8

For more of my images, why not visit my Website,or follow me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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26 Responses to Dunamase Part 1: Junior Ruinhunters

  1. Maggie Beck says:

    Ed, your photos gave me chills as they resurrected memories of my own young daughters scampering through ruins when we lived in the UK, and later in Germany. Throughout Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales the two oldest climbed through windows, along parapets, and under vaults. The best photos do this – they evoke emotions and deeply buried memories. My daughters are now 30, 32, and 34. Your photos prompted my own memories of some of the most precious times when they were little. Thanks. These are remarkable pics. Your wife needs to chase you all out again soon. Best, Maggie


  2. Thanks for the comparison of shots – a certain amount is the weather situation on any given day – then there is the technological advances – but the core of the older images was good – just needed the experience to give them the little extra tweak to say “this one is a Mooney…” Nice work Ed.


  3. dferrier1985 says:

    I always enjoy your images of ruins and today was no exception. However, the addition of your kids was special, especially your apple-cheeked, red-haired daughter. Thanks



  4. DKN999 says:

    Some beautiful images, lovingly captured. Having the young ones in the photos helps me to appreciate the scale of these ruins and I can hear their laughter and excitement as I look at these photos. Well done – Gassho!


  5. Beautiful images-I particularly like the ones of your daughter-her essence just shines through the image-terrific work!


  6. love the pics, makes me experience wanderlust all over again!


  7. michael says:

    Lovely photos ED. I’ve neglected my own site for a month or two, too busy updating some local websites. I’ve a load of photos from earlier in the year from around the country that i’ve yet to upload. Some shots from Carlingford, when we were up there for a league match last February. Hmmm, might be late getting to bed tonight!


  8. Highlight of recent travel was seeing the castles and ruins .imagination ran wild- as did I once more a child filled with wonder and delight. Lovely post .


  9. sueslaght says:

    Beautiful shots and beautiful children!


  10. jayrsworld says:

    Brilliantly posed! Great background! Stunning photography! You get the background, and the children in the foreground equally! Such a good eye!


  11. You have such cute kids!! Ava has such amazing coloured hair!! x


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