Madness of the Season


I cant believe it, 10 days without a post here. It is really turning out to be a mad month so far, its no wonder people refer to Christmas as the silly season, :-).The good wife had a bright idea and started painting the house, then there was the countless shopping trips. I reckon I must have the most recognized face down at the Toy Store.To Top it all off we had a surprise guest arrive at our door last week, whom shall be with us until Christmas Eve, but more about that later.







I should have been writing today about the annual Christmas market held up in Dublin’s Docklands as part of the ‘#25 Days of Christmas’ over on thefairytaletraveller. The #25 Days of Christmas is a collection of various Christmas themed destinations from around the world and is well worth checking out.  I had planned to explore the market on Saturday with my eldest son Ryan. But true to form our glorious Irish weather laid waste to those plans, even yesterday the rain kept our trip on the long finger, so it looks like it will have to wait until next Saturday when the entire extended family are planning to spend the day at the Christmas Market. Watch out Dublin, you have been warned!



I am also planning another Christmas Kids shoot, how this will work out is anyone’s guess but fingers crossed. In the mean time here are a few shots from last years shoot and some previous.

For more of my images, why not visit my Website,or follow me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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16 Responses to Madness of the Season

  1. riebobs says:

    Adorable & so festive! Finally feeling Christmassy 🙂


  2. You have some nice kids to see here. Very great photos. Enjoy the market.


  3. niasunset says:

    These little St.Claus’s are amazing and so lovely, especially number 4 is so cute, Blessing them all. Thank you, love, nia


  4. Lovely children; you must be proud! As the madness abates I look forward to more posts and photographs. Enjoy the season!


  5. Figured you were MIA due the the kids and holidays. Glad to see you are back…sort of 🙂


  6. Lovely photos! You need to have words with your good wife about house painting in mid winter!
    Have a happy Christmas!


  7. Debunker says:

    Aaah! They’re so cute! Hope you and your family have a great Christmas and recharge your batteries so that you can do some more ruin-hunting for us all in 2014! 🙂


  8. Awe- Cute! Have a wonderful Christmas!


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