Re-work Wednesday 2


Continuing on with the Re-work Wednesday project, here is one of my favorite shots from 2011. Taken down in Laois at the ruins of Morett Castle.  You can read my article and view the original shots HERE. I remember the horse in the image had taken a like to my camera bag and made such a nuisance of himself that I ended up having to cut my trip short. Anyway I took the original raw file, made a slight level adjustment and then made my standard Mono conversion with a little vignette for effect. Surprisingly I still like the color version, but wanted to see how the shot stood up against my current style. Well thats the Re-work for this week, hope to see you all next Wednesday for another image taken from the archives.

For more of my images, why not visit my Website,or follow me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
This entry was posted in Castles, Diary of a Ruinhunter, Historical, Landscape, Medieval, Photography, Places of Interest, Re-work Wednesday and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

27 Responses to Re-work Wednesday 2

  1. acuriousgal says:

    What a great pic, Ed….just love horses!!!


  2. Roberto Cabral says:

    Reblogueó esto en Roberto Cabral.


  3. Missy Fant Photography says:

    Great for black and white!


  4. Grannymar says:

    There is something special about a B&W photo. I love this one.


  5. Crash MacDuff says:

    Reblogged this on CrashCourse.


  6. Steve says:

    The lines on the building are so clear it looks to me like a photo on a will with that part ripped out. Cool!


  7. claudsramblings says:

    Such a soft spot for horses, the whiskers on his chin look adorable and the lighting on his fur makes him appear almost velveteen, beautiful!


  8. Great ruins, and an adorable horse. Superb combination! While the color shot is pretty, I rather like the B&W here. ~SueBee


  9. Divya says:

    Nice shot, Looks much better in B & W !


  10. LensTHERAPY says:

    I always love your black and whites!!


  11. Karen says:

    Great pic! I checked the colour version – it is also an amazing pic. An adorable horse, perhaps just wanting to assist you, and at the same time inspiring you to shoot this photo. 🙂


  12. Gotta say I’m a fan of the B&W. hay burners are funny creatures. Happy rework wednesday Ed!.


  13. EagleGazing says:

    Fantastic. Amazing how well the whole photo is focused, super beautiful horse too!


  14. terryspear says:

    Beautiful job! Love the ruins and the horse!


  15. SingleFocus says:

    I like the dramatic and intrigue of the B/W


  16. He was definitely up in your face! Too funny.


  17. Pingback: Black and White Can Be Pretty Too | Terry Spear's Shifters

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