Re-work Wednesday 3

Cannon small


This week I have came across this shot in my archives. It was taken back in 2009 during a weeks vacation in Salou, Spain. One of the days we decided to take a trip in the ancient town of Tarragona and go exploring. It was the last holiday myself and the wife had before the kids came along,  Hazel was probably four or five months pregnant at the time, which probably explains why she refuses to join me on any of my Ruin hunts!  I took a series of shots around Tarragona on my Sony Cybershot, it was just a 4mp point & shoot but was a good little camera in its day. You can check out these ‘holiday snaps’ Here. But be warned they are just holiday snaps, I barely knew how to turn on a camera back then. 🙂

This Particular shot was taken on what remained of the city walls. After removing the annoying time-stamp from the shot, I made a slight crop to remove the unwanted background and then added my usual mono conversion. Tarragona is a really interesting place, once an ancient Roman town. there are many remains from these times including a mini Colosseum right on the beach. Perhaps I may look at some of the other shots taken here and see if they can be Re-worked.

Well thats the Re-work for this week, hope to see you all next Wednesday for another image taken from the archives.

For more of my images, why not visit my Website,or follow me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
This entry was posted in Diary of a Ruinhunter, Historical, Photography, Places of Interest, Re-work Wednesday, Ruins and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

17 Responses to Re-work Wednesday 3

  1. Then you were really close to, where I live today, but not then.
    I’m happy, that you enjoyed.


  2. Urvashi Roe says:

    There is something about cannons that makes you want to photograph them. Strange isn’t it.


  3. I love how you capture texture and a rich sense of history in your work!


  4. Great capture!! God Bless our archives!! 🙂


  5. Hello Ed!
    What’s the most interesting experience you’ve encountered during your ruin hunts?

    And I do appreciate your visits to my blog. I’ll be adding more entries this year as I feel I’ll be having more to blog about in 2014!


    • Hi Aimee,
      Most interesting experience! That’s a tricky one, I guess researching the history of places that I visit. But then again finding a new castle or ruin that i was unknown to me can be very interesting. With most sites that I visit,I will already know the history and what to look out for. But when I stumble across something new, Im shooting blind, so I need to spend more time exploring to make sure that I have captured everything. There is nothing worse that getting back from a shoot and then finding out that you missed out on something.
      A good example of this was the Ruins at Skryne in Co. Meath. I went into the site blind, so to speak and ended up finding a hidden partial staircase in a window recess, which allowed me to climb part of the walls.
      Actually I also experienced a very strange encounter with something at Skryne. To this day I still cannot explain what happened.You can read more about it at

      Until net time take care 🙂



      • I had to “hint” if you ever experienced something out of the ordinary during your time of visiting such sites. Though it sounds it never happened again?

        There’s much mystery to a lot of these ruins don’t feel too bad that you missed out a hidden passage way, etc. You’re capturing some incredible structures that many can’t visit.


        • I wouldn’t say never, but just not as forceful. Sometimes you get a vibe about a place be it good or bad! I have learned to listen to this, so if something does not feel right then its probably time to leave. Call it intuition if you will, but it has served me well to date, 🙂


  6. Thank you for liking “The Arctic.” I like your re-worked image of the cannon. I think this picture looks better in black and white than it does in color. The details of the cannon stand out more in the monochrome photo, and converting the color image into a black-and-white one gives the photo a vintage look that is appropriate for the subject matter of the photo. On a related note, I hope I remember to remove those annoying time stamps the next time I take photos. 🙂


  7. kalabalu says:

    Rusted yet ready
    aim! fire ..steady 🙂
    shot..not canon
    Just the photograph 🙂
    was colored but made it black and white


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