Round Tower – Monochrome Madness Challenge…..

Glendalough Round Tower

For this weeks Monochrome Madness Challenge,and  in keeping with my ongoing Glendalough Theme I chose to do a sneak peak image taken of the stunning round tower. I won’t go into to much detail about the Round Tower, as there will be a full post dedicated to in in a few days along with more images. Suffice to say that it is one of the most striking Towers I have visited to date. It stands at approx 30 meters in height and commands a watchful presence over the Valley in which it stands.

Again I shot this on my D40 in colour and converted to B&W in CS6 Played with some sliders to achieve a look I was happy with. So that’s enough about me, the rest of this weeks MMC images will go live some time later todayover on Leanne Cole’s Blog, depending on your time zone. Each week there are contributions from from photographers around the globe. So whether you are looking for inspiration or have a thing for black & white photography, you know were to find it. 🙂

To see more of these images, why not visit my Website or join me on Facebook or Twitter.


About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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17 Responses to Round Tower – Monochrome Madness Challenge…..

  1. suej says:

    Very dramatic tower…for some reason it makes me think of running widdershins around a tower – and a book I read as a child, based on Browning’s Childe Roland.


  2. Pingback: Round Tower - Monochrome Madness Challenge.....

  3. That is one tall tower! Looking forward to more.


  4. I love Glendalough Ed!! Hope to get back this year. Wonderful shot!! Yes the dark mysterious tower!! also thought of the Rapunzel tale!!


    • Thanks Cybele, it sure is a wonderful place. if you get back try to check out the equally stunning Clonmacnoise, you will love it.

      Funny you mention Rapunzel, my little girl Ava said the exact same thing when she saw it. She goes crazy when she see’s these towers and has told me numerous times that when she is a big girl, she wants to live in one 🙂


  5. great contrast with the background. Lovely photo


  6. Pingback: Monochrome Madness Week 14 | Leanne Cole PHOTOGRAPHY

  7. That is stunning…great location…


  8. Robyn G says:

    Very drawn to this Ed, when I saw it.
    Wonderful image and looks like such an interesting place.
    Will be watching for more about it 🙂

    So cute, that your daughter mentioned Rapunzel and wants to live in her own tower 🙂


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