Re-work Wednesday 26

The NightmareWhen I started this back in January I never thought that I would still be doing it over six months later, and yet here I am. I was just looking through the images I have done to date and its turning into a nice little collection. For this week I returned to the Bram Stoker Festival I did last year. As they say, ‘Third time is a charm’. And yes I think I am still stuck in a much darker place than usual, but I am enjoying the process, so it cant be too bad. This weeks shot was taken at Dublin Castle and was part of the performance for Dracula’s Fire Garden. as I went through the arched doorway which led to the inner courtyard there were a number of these unsavoury demonic creatures were lurking in the shadows, waiting for unsuspecting victims. Luckily for me I was on the ball and was expecting something. I went through the archway like Seal Team 6 and shot the hell out of them, with my camera of course.

Not knowing exactly what to expect and with some really tricky lighting I set the camera to Auto, Its not something that I normally do, preferring to shoot in either Aperture or Shutter Priority. But it worked to my advantage on this occasion, out of the 15 shots I took, only three were scrapped, not bad considering. I was planning on doing a straight mono conversion but it did nothing for me, so I started messing around with some layers and ended up with this as my final image. Hope you all like it 🙂 As always any thoughts or comments you may have would be greatly appreciated.

To see more of these images, why not visit my Website or join me on Facebook or Twitter.

About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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26 Responses to Re-work Wednesday 26

  1. love it!! But I’m partial to Goth!! 🙂


  2. Arpan says:

    Love this image!!


  3. feralc4t says:

    First thought was Ozzie.. Meant in a good way


  4. Rajiv says:

    Love. It, Bram!


  5. Very good re-work Ed. Certainly sometimes the camera knows best and you can get away with auto…


  6. colonialist says:

    The bill for undergarment laundry is coming to you …


  7. lauramacky says:

    Yikes! i’m scared! AGAIN! But good scared. Great shot and love the processing.


  8. Tracey says:

    LOVE this shot!!


  9. Pingback: Re-work Wednesday 32 | EdMooneyPhotography

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