Entombed – Monochrome Madness Challenge


I was out last week on the bike for a spin around the town, when I was passing the old grounds of the church and graveyard at Passlands in Monasterevin. I have been meaning to visit for some time and as luck would have it, I had brought my camera with me. I will post the rest of the images later this week, but when I saw this rather striking Mausoleum, I just had to share it on this weeks Monochrome Madness Challenge. Some friends have recently commented on how creepy some of my images of late are, and perhaps so. But when I was shooting this little graveyard it was far from creepy, a gorgeous sunny evening, not something we get much of in Ireland, so I tend to make the most of it.

I processed the image in my Photoshop CC, yes i’m still playing with it. Using a series of layers with a mono conversion to create the required effect. Well that’s it for this week, If you are hungry for more great Monochrome images then check out this weeks Monochrome Madness Challenge over on Leanne Cole’s Blog, depending on your time zone it should be live sometime later today. Each week there are contributions from from photographers around the globe. So whether you are looking for inspiration or have a thing for black & white photography, you know were to find it. 🙂

To see more of these images, why not visit my Website or join me on Facebook or Twitter.

About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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40 Responses to Entombed – Monochrome Madness Challenge

  1. If I saw this in the night, I would turn and walk away (in the other direction). Especially seeing this in monchrome–such a haunted look!!


  2. cindy knoke says:

    creepy and marvelous!


  3. quarksire says:

    what a kewl place 🙂


  4. Great photo Ed 😉


  5. Dawnasong says:

    Absolutely fabulous!


  6. The sky to me makes the shot. Great work.


  7. kilted1 says:

    Nice work I love the tones and contrasts.


  8. Gothic magnificence!


  9. Love it Ed!! and yes very gothic!!


  10. what an intense sky over a building demanding respect. Great shot!


  11. lauramacky says:

    Very scary!!!! Entommmmbed Yikes!


  12. Superb! I very apprecied much your pictures!


  13. Paul says:

    Very gothic looking. Quite an odd design actually. Great photo.


  14. Pingback: Passlands Cemetery | EdMooneyPhotography

  15. Pingback: Featured Photographer: Medieval Castles and Ruins | Featured E-Magazine

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