Thank You


Wow, I woke up this morning to over 500 followers for a blog that initially started out as a way of monitoring my progress as a photographer. I have learnt a lot whilst on this journey and many of you are responsible for that. So to everyone whom has liked, followed, commented, critiqued or just stopped by to have a look, THANK YOU, 🙂

Its been a long road so far, and it doesn’t stop here, I’m still learning and hopefully along the way I can help, guide or inspire others on their journey. Aside from this blog I can be found online at a few other places, for anyone whom wants to keep in touch, be it like, poke, friend, message or whatever the new IN phrase is.

Here is where you can find me……… (Just click on the image to get there)

My Website

My Website





Facebook Page

Facebook Page









About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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9 Responses to Thank You

  1. Jo Woolf says:

    Well done, Ed – that’s great news and a testament to the quality of your photos. I’m enjoying your posts and I’m glad to have come across your blog. Keep up the good work! 🙂


  2. ConverseandaHoodie says:

    Thank you SO much for the likes on my pictures, it’s very encouraging when great photographers notice your amateur style work! And congratulations on your 500 followers, you deserve that, and more! 🙂


  3. Inky Vampire says:

    You have passion and love for what you post and it shows.


  4. trippybeth says:

    I really admire your work Ed! It makes me aspire to get better myself!!!


  5. Bravo I find your work very interesting and it all has a narrative. Keep it up.


  6. marthabernie says:

    congratulations! I have nominated you for the versatile blogger award. Details in my post tomorrow:


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