Vacation Time


Just a quick post today, im taking a break from packing. Its that time of year, the Mooney clan are heading off for a well earned break. Its been a hectic year and the batteries are in dire need of a recharge. Chances are that I wont get a chance to post anything whilst Im away, but I promise to respond to all comments and requests when I get back. I have packed my Nikon kit and hope to have some interesting images when I get back. We will be hitting the Sands Resort in Costa Teguise, Lanzarote so it should be a great time, with plenty to do and see.

new-resort-island (4)

So until I return, I should get to post some snaps up on my Facebook page. If anyone is interested you can Add, Follow, Like etc My Facebook or my Photography Page


About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
This entry was posted in Diary of a Ruinhunter, Events, Photography, Places of Interest. Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to Vacation Time

  1. kiwiskan says:

    Have a lovely holiday. Wish I was coming…


  2. Kasia says:

    Enjoy! We went to Puerto Del Carmen last year. It was fantastic. Make sure not to sun burn and drink loads of Sangria. 🙂


  3. Have a nice holiday, full of fun 🙂 You need to see Los Verdes cave !!! 🙂


  4. Happy holidays! I was just across the water in Fuerteventura recently. Enjoyed the views, dunes and stunning light. Look forward to seeing your shots.


  5. sisteranan says:

    Are you also on Flikr, by any chance?


  6. John says:

    Safe journeys….


  7. Jo Woolf says:

    Wow, that looks good! Have fun!


  8. Have a nice vacation, Ed.


  9. Hope you come back with all your SD cards full of images!


  10. Molly @ The Move to America says:

    Enjoy your break!


  11. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I hope you have/had a great vacation!


  12. ristinw says:

    Wow! I need blue sky and ocean!!! Thanks for sharing those relaxing images! 😀


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