In Days of Olde

So after almost a week of fighting the inevitable, I finally bit the bullet and went to the doctor. Long story short, a week of work, plenty of rest and more bloody drugs. At least one good thing, I finally got to finish a prose I have been trying to put together to coincide with my ruin explorations and images. So here it is, Hope you enjoy:-)

In Days of Olde

I have also been working on an infra red image to go with the verse, and have narrowed it down to two versions. Both are the same shot from the Rock of Dunamase shot last Autum. The first version was finished using Silver Efex Pro.

Silver Effex Pro

Silver Effex Pro

The second image was finished using Perfect effects 8, which I only got yesterday and cant wait to fully explore. So what I plan doing is to add the verse and image together. And this is where I need your help, there is a short poll at the end where you can help me decide by voting for your favorite. Comments or critique are also as always most welcome. bye for now 🙂



About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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25 Responses to In Days of Olde

  1. I voted for the first because it looks moodier, more mysterious and seems to complement the ruins more. The second one is clearer and lighter, but I like mystery!


  2. On first sight Silver Efex but looking into detail I prefer the second one. Sometimes I use both plug-ins for each have their strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes also additional refinements in photoshop. It always depends on the subject and what you want to achieve … 😉


  3. kiwiskan says:

    Great prose – and I voted for the first one


  4. sueslaght says:

    Hope you are feeling better soon!


  5. As your poll was a forced choice, I went with #1 – which is the one that has the IR sky right – The PFx has the foreground closer to an IR film look. Just keep playing and blending – perhaps the two together? Both are very goods on thier own however – depends (as always) on the mood you wish to convey.
    Get well Ed!


  6. I vote for the first one. Thanks for sharing.


  7. First. Love the prose! In the end, I went with the first one. That being said, I liked the first for the mood it set and the second for clarity. I’ll be interested to see the final shot.


    • Thanks Elen, not many seemed to even notice the prose, which was the purpose of the images in the first place.

      And i must agree The first did have the mood I wanted but the second had more clarity, so I might just blend the best of both, 🙂


    • Thanks Elen, not many seemed to even notice the prose, which was the purpose of the images in the first place.

      And i must agree The first did have the mood I wanted but the second had more clarity, so I might just blend the best of both, 🙂


  8. Ali Isaac says:

    Hi Ed, I LOVE the first one, so much atmosphere and drama!
    I am also well impressed with your poetry skills! Talented photographer and Seanchai!
    (might I suggest rise instead of raise? Please feel free to beat me with a big stick for having the nerve…)


  9. viapina says:

    I’m drawn to the first one more, more atmosphere for me! LOVE the words/poem and the style of it! yet another great post! Hope you’re feeling better Ed? All the best, Pina


  10. rjmackin says:

    Image 1 all the way. It’s more sinister!


  11. suej says:

    “Now the shadows of the past/ are the ruins that still last” great lines, Ed! And I go for the more atmospheric, even slightly sinister, first image. I like a bit of mood with my ruins! Get well soon….


  12. Rajiv says:

    Nice prose… And, it matches the photos!


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