

For this intrepid Irish “ruin hunter,” a picture says…

This has been in the pipeline for some time now and its finally here, my very first interview, I am really stoked about this. A number of weeks ago I was approached by fellow blogger James King about doing an interview on my work for The Displaced Nation. The Displaced Nation is a collective of  like minded individuals whom share a passion for what they call the “displaced life” of global residency and travel. This also includes creative pursuits such as writing, art, food, business or even humor. Aside from being a blogger, James is also a writer and fellow photographer. It was a great honor to be asked and I found that it helped me to take time out and reflect on what I am doing.So why not stop by and check out the entire interview, by clicking on the link below. Any comments or thoughts would be greatly appreciated, I love getting feedback, so don’t be shy.



About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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52 Responses to THE BIG INTERVIEW

  1. Sue Vincent says:

    Congratulations 🙂


  2. Thanks for telline me about the intwrview – I was captured by the photography but also by the stories. I have always loved history – and ruins (do the two go together?). I have wanted to visit Ireland for many years (family connection) but now you have really whetted my appetite for exploring the lesd well known side of Ireland. At least I know who to ask when I finally get my ticket 🙂 Thanks for the fabulous photography – always great.
    Susan x


  3. ksbeth says:

    wonderful, ed. you gave a great interview and i love the stories that were included, especially the last one with your ghost encounter. you seem a very natural photographer and journalist of these experiences. )


  4. Mjollnir says:

    Fame at last young Edward! And well-deserved too 😀


  5. rjmackin says:

    Great interview! The heritage awareness group really has an unfortunate acronym!


  6. Great interview, Ed. Big thumbs up! 🙂


  7. Dawn says:

    Congratulations – always nice to read the thought process of another photographer. Thank you for taking the time to document the history of Ireland. It matters.


  8. chirose says:

    Way cool.!! Congrats 🙂


  9. Good interview Ed – glad to know a bit more about you!


  10. quarksire says:

    2 kewl fer skewl 🙂


  11. Great interview. You deserve every praise!


  12. Verra nice! I’m clicking right over. Congratulations!!


  13. suzbolton says:

    How exciting! Congratulations!


  14. Dalo 2013 says:

    Great interview and great stories told…wonderful stuff and congratulations!


  15. wildninja says:

    I’m still cracking up about what your son said– “that’s where the vampires live.” What I appreciate is that you make your hobby a family affair and use it to educate your children. So many people in our generation don’t have a good appreciation of the past; we’re too busy with ourselves or being “progressive.” It’s great to know that your children will grow up understanding their heritage and why it is important to protect historical sites.


  16. Great interview, Ed! A natural!
    The camera-strap incident was very scary: the pesky vampires again! Great stuff!


  17. Aine says:

    Loved the interview…nice job! Have a great weekend 🙂


  18. Dusty Roads says:

    Congratulations. Nice job


  19. Mick & Pam says:

    Great read… Well done.


  20. mengeleblog says:

    Congratulations !


  21. Congratulations, Ed. This is a real feather in your cap!


  22. themofman says:

    It’s a congratulations from me also, Ed.


  23. Pingback: My Photoblog Adventure 2014, A year in review Part 1 | EdMooneyPhotography

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