Capturing History Challenge – Week 6

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Still on a high from yesterdays news, we have a much scaled down edition of the Capturing History Challenge for you this week. Sadly only three submissions came in this week, so I have bumped up the numbers with a second set of images from the depts of my Ruinhunting archives, and we shall continue on.  Regardless, the submissions this week are of the usual high standard. First up we have a Victorian era Water Station in London. Followed by the tomb of John Rae, an Artic explorer in St. Magnus Cathedral, Orkneys. Then its back down to England to the striking Bttle Abbey. For my part, its back to Ireland to see the Moone High Cross in Kildare followed by the magnificent Ducketts Grove in Carlow. I really hope you enjoy this weeks selection and please click on the contributors links to find out more about each location, you just never know what you might find out.So come on people, dont be shy. Share your heritage and History with the rest of us. You can find out how to join in at the end of this post.

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1. Victorian water works and pumping station, Steatham, UK. By Geoff Le Pard @TanGental

John Rae small

2. The Tomb of John Rae, St. Magnus Cathedral, The Orkneys By Cybele Moon The RunesOfAGateKeepersDaughter


3. Bagan Battle Abbey, Sussex, UK By Phil Platt @WheresPhil

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4. Moone High Cross, Kildare, Ireland. By Ed Mooney @ EdMooneyPhotography

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5. Duckett’s Grove, Carlow, Ireland. By Ed Mooney @ EdMooneyPhotography

The High Cross at Moone is one of Irelands most famous Crosses, when I visited there last there was some restoration works being carried out so I reckon I am due a return trip there shortly. One of my images from Moone was published in the book ‘Treasures of Christian Ireland Vol II’. The cross can be found on the grounds of a ruined abbey of the same name which dates back to the time of Palladius and is in really great condition for its age. The detail on all sides is really fascinating. Check out Moone High Cross to find out more.

What can I say about Duckett’s Grove? This is one of those places that speak for themselves as I am sure you will all agree. Duckett’s Grove is a place that I would stop off at time and time again and is an aabsolute joy to photograph. It was originaly a Gerogian Mansion in the 1700’s but by 1825 it was remodelled in the Gothic revival style. If you ever get the opportunity, I would highly recommend a visit. You can read all about it and see more images from Duckett’s Grove HERE.

And so we come to the end of this weeks challenge, I hope that you have enjoyed this weeks selection of images. Many of the contributors will have this included on their own blog, so if any or all of the sites this week appeal to you, please feel free to drop a line in the comments section below. Or even better yet, click on the link located underneath each image and check out what they are up too. Im sure that they would be only too happy to hear from you and answer any questions you might have.

So here is how you too, can join in;

The plan is quite simple, each Wednesday I will be posting an image of a random site with a heritage connection. Any images sent in will be included in the challenge along with your name and a link to your site. Full credit is given to each participant. The joy of this challenge is that we can all participate and share our images whilst raising the awareness of our own particular History and Heritage. The image can be anything from an old Church or Castle, to a Battlefield or Neolithic tomb, the choices are endless. And you can capture the image on any device you choose to. It can be in colour, black and white or any variation. The important thing is that we share.

And so to make sure that the challenge runs smoothly here are a few notes on how to participate:

  • All images must have been taking by you, there is no time restriction on this and you retain the copyright for your images
  • Images should be submitted via email by no later than midnight GMT on the Sunday before so I can ensure the challenge is ready to be posted on the Wednesday morning. My email address is
  • You don’t have to even have to be a WordPress blogger. This challenge is open to everyone, please include your name and a link back to your blog, website or social media page.
  • Images should be kept at low resolution with the largest side at 1000 pixels or less, if you need help with this you can pm me.
  • Once the challenge is published I will delete all files and mails from that week .
  • Each contributor should write a small piece about their image on their blog, for readers to check out, or at least the history behind the shot by adding  to the comments of each challenge.

And dont forget to start sending in submissions for the SPOOKTACULAR CHALLENGE in October.

About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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21 Responses to Capturing History Challenge – Week 6

  1. beetleypete says:

    More excellent entries, and additional historical knowledge for your readers. Well done, Ed, and good luck with the awards!
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So enjoying these history posts Ed and everyone submitting wonderful stuff!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. PS and discovering some other wonderful blogs as well!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have an idea of a post about history-in-the-making. Is that of interest?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. noelleg44 says:

    Another great series of photos, Ed! How’s that competition coming?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sue Vincent says:

    Reblogged this on Daily Echo and commented:
    What with one thing and another, I missed submitting pictures to Ed’s challenge this week… Ed is also asking for spooky Halloween pictures for October…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. TanGental says:

    interesting bunch this week Ed (excluding my little offering) – think Ill go off piste next week! Good luck on the 22nd

    Liked by 1 person

  8. jazzfeathers says:

    Beautiful selection this week too.
    Keep up the good job 🙂


  9. jazzfeathers says:

    Another beautiful collection of photos.
    Kepp up the good job! 🙂


  10. belshade says:

    That was a great idea of yours Ed. Good entries – plenty of interest and variety. Congratulations on the job – just don’t let it get in the way of your photography! Des.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Des, No intention of it, the camera is out of action at the moment, but I have enough images to keep me going for a couple of weeks. Hopefully ill be back in action with it repaired or have a new one to break in!
      Do feel free to join in the challenge if you fancy it, would be great to have you on board sometime 🙂


  11. jazzfeathers says:

    Another beautiful collection of photos.
    Keep up the great job!


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