More Media Coverage


Once again it was a treat to see another one of my previous articles being recycled for inclusion in the local Tallaght Echo newspaper as part of the weekly  ‘Love Tallaght Outdoors’ series. Previous articles included have been Ballymount Castle and Colmcille’s Well. Its always a real buzz to see your work in print and this week was no exception. Featuring the former home of the famous Irish poet Katheryn Tynan. You can read the original artical from 2013 by flicking the following link, Tynan Hall.


The house which is now in ruin and in bad need of repair has a fantastic history with connections to fellow Irish writers and occultists W. B. Yeats and A.E. Russell whom Tynan was close friends with. It such as shame that the site is in such bad shape. The current land owners are the IRFU, whom have left the site to the elements. With the potential to transform this historic landmark and grounds into a parkland and tourist attraction its a crying shame that nobody is willing to do something with it. Perhaps with this renewed awareness something might happen?

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About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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17 Responses to More Media Coverage

  1. Good questions why this one’s being ignored. You’d think it would be picture perfect for tourists. Cool history. Great to keep the house and it’s plight in the public’s eye as much as possible

    Liked by 1 person

    • Agree completely, It could be restored and used as a fine heritage centre, surrounded by beautiful parklands. back in 2008 the council granted permission to the IRFU to turn it into a rugby clubhouse. Cant let that happen, now can we?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. beetleypete says:

    Well done for the repeat coverage, Ed. It all helps to not only promote the cause, but your work too.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well done to you championing a local historic landmark. From small acorns do mighty oaks and all that.
    Everything has to start somewhere Ed so give it time.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ali Isaac says:

    Have you actually approached any of the nationals yet, Ed? They dont know us bloggers even exist. Send them a covering email with links to your top 5 most popular posts… you just never know! They mght try one or two articles at first to gauge response, and then offer you something more permanent. I’d say that the US would possibly be more interested and sympathetic to matters of Irish heritage, though…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. noelleg44 says:

    What do the owners want to sell it? Could you start a Go Fund Me fund online to raise money to purchase it? Gorgeous picture and if I had the money I’d love to get my hands on that house – love to do restorations, when I have the money.

    Liked by 1 person

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