Capturing History Challenge Week 18

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Almost at the end of the year now, I cant believe that this little challenge has lasted this long. I hope everyone whom has read or submitted to the challenge has enjoyed it as much as I have. So next week Dec 30th will be the final installment of the year.  Cracking on with this week we head across the water to England to see the Brent Knoll  in St. Michaels Church, Somerset. Then its a short trip over to Cornwall to see the amazing Roche Rock. It is a chapel built on a Rock outcrop, but it brings back memories of my beloved Rock of Dunamase here in Ireland. So moving on wee head across the great ocean to the US to visit New Jersey, well Dutch colonial Jersey that is! These images just scream Sleepy Hollow to me 🙂 For our last to stops of the week its back to Ireland. First up is White Castle in Athy, an intruiging Castle connected to the Geraldine’s of Kildare. And finally I would like to share one of those typical hidden gems that I have come across by pure accident on my various Ruin Hunting trips over the past few years. The little sea side remains of a 6th century Chuch and graveyard known as CillBharrog or Kilbarrack as it is known today.

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1. Brent Knoll, Somerset, England. By Sue Vincent @DailyEcho


Roche Rock

2. Roche Rock, Cornwall, England. By Phil Platt  @WheresPhil


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3. Hopper-Goetschius Museum, New Jersey, USA. By Cheryl Racanelli  @SerineArtist



4.  White Castle, Athy, Kildare, Ireland. By Ed Mooney  @EdMooneyPhotography



5.CillBharrog Church & Cemetery, Kilbarrack , Dublin, Ireland. By Ed Mooney  @EdMooneyPhotography


What can I say about White Castle, Resting on an ancient crossing  of the Barrow River, the castle was once home to part of the Fitzgerals clan. A Norman family whom held the title, Earl of Kildare formany centuries, and where known for becoming more Irish than the Irish themselves. The adjacent bridge, is named after their famous War Cry, ‘Crom Abu’.  So if you want to know how a monkey became part of the family Coat of Arms CLICK HERE.

The Church & Cemetery at Killbarrack is very atmospheric, not much of the original church remains, although considering its age, im not suprised. This would have originally been a chapel for mariners, many of whom where buried within its walls. With links to a St. Bearach, whom is said to have built the first church here and so the entire area bears his name. CillBharrog, the Church of Barrog (Bearach). To find out more CLICK HERE.  So dont forget next week will be the final challenge for 2015, lets finish it with a bang 🙂

So here is how you too, can join in;

The plan is quite simple, each Wednesday I will be posting an image of a random site with a heritage connection. Any images sent in will be included in the challenge along with your name and a link to your site. Full credit is given to each participant. The joy of this challenge is that we can all participate and share our images whilst raising the awareness of our own particular History and Heritage. The image can be anything from an old Church or Castle, to a Battlefield or Neolithic tomb, the choices are endless. And you can capture the image on any device you choose to. It can be in colour, black and white or any variation. The important thing is that we share.

And so to make sure that the challenge runs smoothly here are a few notes on how to participate:

  • All images must have been taking by you, there is no time restriction on this and you retain the copyright for your images
  • Images should be submitted via email by no later than midnight GMT on the Sunday before so I can ensure the challenge is ready to be posted on the Wednesday morning. My email address is
  • You don’t have to even have to be a WordPress blogger. This challenge is open to everyone, please include your name and a link back to your blog, website or social media page.
  • Images should be kept at low resolution with the largest side at 1000 pixels or less, if you need help with this you can pm me.
  • Once the challenge is published I will delete all files and mails from that week .
  • Each contributor should write a small piece about their image on their blog, for readers to check out, or at least the history behind the shot by adding  to the comments of each challenge.

About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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23 Responses to Capturing History Challenge Week 18

  1. jfwknifton says:

    Some beautiful photographs. I think I prefer White Castle, although I am finding it difficult to convince myself that the telegraph pole is twelfth century. Perhaps it was something for the monkey to play on?

    Liked by 1 person

    • LOL, perhaps, but I would say that was a later addition. Along with electericity and running water. It was sold a few years back and is now home to some lucky family. I would just love to live in one of these 🙂


  2. Roche Rock, Cornwall, England. Wow! One side of my family hails from Cornwall. I would love to visit this spot. What a wonderful challenge you have going here!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. beetleypete says:

    I’m with Cindy on Roche Rock. I have been to Cornwall so many times, and can’t believe I have never seen this.
    Great selection, Ed. Thanks as always.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Ali Isaac says:

    Wow! Roche Rock is A-Maze-ING!!! Love it. And White Castle reminds me of Ross Castle in Killarney… same era, maybe?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I LOVE Roche Rock!
    What an amazing image!
    Got to keep this challenge going Ed, some of the pictures are brilliant and open our eyes to what is out there.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. wheresphil says:

    Thanks all for the kind words on Roche Rock, it was a magical place, I love it that these places remain, hidden away and not really celebrated. Long may that continue, secret places shared amongst friends are the best!

    Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas, and I look forward to following adventures in the new year.


    Liked by 1 person

  7. unironedman says:

    Lovely stuff as always. Swam past White’s Castle a few times… should make a point of seeing it from dry land one day! Merry Christmas.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow, is that safe to do? I would have thought you might catch something in them waters, and I font mean fish either 😃
      It’s a gorgeous castle and someone actually lives there now, I’m well jealous.
      Happy Christmas to you and yours ⛄🌲🎅


  8. chattykerry says:

    All wonderful but my favorite is Roche Rock this week – spectacular! Merry Christmas!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. socialbridge says:

    Great selection, Ed.
    Happy Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. jazzfeathers says:

    Beautiful gallery. I love Roche Rock, doesn’t even look real!
    I’m happy this challenge is still going strong. I’ve really enjoyed it, though I haven’t taken part as often as I wished. I’ll try to make up for it in the new year.

    Am I still in time to wish you a Merry Christmas with family and friends? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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