Ballykelly V Rheban GFC U-7s

So last Saturday was the Family Day down at the Ballykelly grounds. With bouncy castles, face painting, cake sales and a serious amount of junior games taking place on the day. Yet again the Irish weather was not to be relied upon, as it lashed rain on and off for most of the morning. The U-7 team for which Ryan plays had to spend most of the morning sheltering under tress whilst they waited for their game against Rheban. Eventually the opposition arrived with the game kicking off just before lunch. We even had to supply a couple of Ballykelly players to Rheban to make up the numbers before the game could start. Pretty soon I think that i will have to invest in a faster lense in order to keep up with these little guys and girls. They just seem to improve every week.

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About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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