Just Published

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For the past few weeks I have tried to keep this quite, but as the book arrived in the post today I guess its now time to let the cat out of the bag. Its a bit of a milestone for me as a photographer, so you could only imagine how exited I was to see one of my images being used in a book. About two months ago I received an email from a leading Irish Publisher. They were looking to use one of my images in their forth coming publication ‘Treasures of Christian Ireland Vol II’. The book is a collection of articles on a vast array of treasures from the Irish Christian tradition. Well who was I to refuse such an offer. So a deal was finalized and I even managed to get a copy of the book thrown in to sweeten the deal. The book is now on sale, published and distributed by Veritas Publications. You can check them out Here. Oh by the way, the image used was one I took down at Moone of the High Cross. You can see this and more images at my recent post on Moone Here

For more of my images, why not visit my Website,or follow me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.


About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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112 Responses to Just Published

  1. newsferret says:

    Congratulations with that achievement.


  2. marthabernie says:



  3. chirose says:

    Congratulations Ed.!


  4. ebbtide says:

    Congrats! What a wonderful thing to be able to say your photo is published! 🙂


  5. josephbartek says:

    Well done! Skål from Sweden!


  6. blosslyn says:

    Oh how wonderful…..I bet you are really chuffed 🙂 🙂 🙂 will you still speak to us when you are famous 🙂


  7. Congratulations! I’m really delighted for you. 🙂


  8. Oh, that’s brilliant news Ed, well done! I hope you have propped a copy in a highly visible spot 🙂


  9. Majka says:

    congratulations, Ed! I´m glat to see your happiness of publishing your book, well done 🙂


  10. Adrian says:

    Congrats Ed-may there be many more, cheers Adrian 🙂


  11. Lenora says:

    Fantastic news!!!


  12. choppy123 says:

    Wow, how exciting, next stop a book with nothing but your photos 🙂


  13. LindaGHill says:

    Congratulations! *pats you on the back*


  14. Melanee says:

    Congrats! Which of your amazing photos was chosen?


  15. Congrats!! So exciting!


  16. Anny says:

    I always thought your photos were ideal for books – keep at it, I’m sure you’ll do lots more!


  17. Red Hen says:

    What a thrill! Congratulations. Did they find you through this blog or your own website?


  18. Congratulations Ed! You deserve to have more of your images published – nothing quite like seeing our pictures in print.


  19. Tom Reeder says:

    Good for you, Ed. It’s no wonder they wanted to publish that particular picture — it’s a very striking image.


  20. That’s fantastic Ed! Congratulations!!! Such a wonderful opportunity 🙂


  21. Jo Woolf says:

    Many congratulations! You must be very proud of this. A great showcase for your work, and I hope it is very successful!


  22. Rajiv says:

    Fantastic! Congratulations!


  23. beingmelissakay says:

    Wow congratulations on getting published. It’s such a validation of a ‘creative’s’ skills when they are acknowledged by an editor and put out to the public by someone other than yourself. I hope you’re feeling very proud!


  24. Adding my congrats to the mix!


  25. c.k. ledford says:

    Congratulations! How exciting for you. 🙂


  26. Congratulations! My mother is going to Ireland in August. Her first time there (and she is 100% Irish).
    I will have to get a copy for her 😉


  27. Writer Girl says:

    Congrats, dude! That must feel amazing. Hope you get more opportunities!


  28. kalabalu says:

    Congratulations and hope you keep on the progress. All the best for many more to come


  29. faures says:



  30. Sue Karski says:

    thank you for liking my post . Congratulations on this honor.


  31. Congrats! I’ll bet even now, you’re still grinning ear to ear about it, aren’t you? And deservedly so, too – that’s a huge accomplishment. Kudos to you!


  32. Grannymar says:

    Congratulations. It is nice to see your work appreciated.


  33. Congrats – that’s way cool!! Celeste 🙂


  34. aweenielife says:

    Holy cow, how exciting! Congratulations!


  35. Awesome! Congratulations.


  36. Hi! I’m glad you liked my last post!
    Congratulations on your new book!!!

    Followed btw 🙂


  37. Suzanne says:



  38. Belinda says:

    Congratulations! How exciting! How long have you been a photographer?
    By the way, thanks for dropping by and checking out my two blogs: languageoflight and betweenthelightandtheshadow


    • Thanks Belinda, I have only been shooting seriously for about two years, still learning all the time and loving it 🙂
      it was my pleasure to come across both of your blogs. Look forward to seeing more, 🙂


  39. Photography connects you to your soul, looking through your eyes. Keep shooting and stay open for inspiration!


  40. That is so very awesome!!! Congrats! Now, I’m going to hurry and look at your other posts. I’m a writer and artist, and have found so many fabulous photographers out there. It is such an art and blessing to have those special eyes to see and share with the world. Hope this is just the beginning of many more adventures for you.


    • Thanks Toni, perhaps we can provide inspiration for each other. Look forward to seeing more from you, 🙂


      • Me too. I especially love your black and white shots. I love when your mind has to add the color and the story.


        • Ah finally someone got it, congratulations. Most people think that im into dark and spooky stuff, which I am not denying. But I find that i can see more in a mono image than a color one. Dont get me wrong, I still shoot in color and will post images in color, but I guess its like a person whom loses one of their senses, be it sight or hearing. Most will say that the remaining senses are enhanced to compensate.


  41. World Wide Weird Beliefs - World Prophecy says:

    Thank you for liking my post, Hungry Ghosts, it is a very interesting subject. The idea that people would put food out to keep ghosts happy is bizarre.
    If I understand this post correctly, you have had one of your photos published in an epic book. Congratulations!
    I, too, have had an art piece published in an art magazine, and I understand the exhilaration.
    Anyways, I’m following you, and would like to see your work as you post it.


    • Thank you,
      Your blog is truly fascinating, I really look forward to reading more of your content. The hungry Ghosts would seem to be another ancient form of vampireism, which exists in almost every culture in some shape or form.
      Congrats on having your work published, it is a great accomplishment.



  42. leggypeggy says:

    Congratulations. It’s a wonderful accomplishment!


  43. Congrats!!!! that is so exiciting


  44. congratulations, that’s really cool


  45. Congratulations, Ed. It must be very gratifying to have your work recognized like that.


  46. stinej says:

    Congratulations! 🙂


  47. Pingback: 2013 My Photo-Blog Adventure | EdMooneyPhotography

  48. Pingback: Re-work Wednesday 10 | EdMooneyPhotography

  49. Pingback: Capturing History Challenge – Week 6 | Ed Mooney Photography