Re-work Wednesday 10

This week I have chosen another image taken back in 2012. For anyone whom does not recognize this famous icon, its the High Cross of Moone. The 7th century High cross stands within the ruins of an old medieval abbey of the same name which I visited around this time last year. The name Moone is said to come from the old Irish “Maen Colmcille” which means “Colmcille’s property”. The area of Moone is believed to have originated from a monastery which was founded by a St. Palladius, who came to Ireland in 431, and which was later dedicated to St. Columcille.

Moone High Cross

This shot is a bit special for me as it was the first image I ever had publishedwhich was a real treat. I remember the day the it arrived in the post and how excited I was. The book ‘Treasures of Christian Ireland Vol II’ is a collection of articles on a vast array of treasures from the Irish Christian tradition. And is full of some really interesting places and their history. The original  image was shot and published in colour, but I really wanted to see it in B/W, which I think  brings out the detail on the cross really well.

Well that’s it for this weeks Re-work, hopefully you enjoyed the re-worked image and I will see you all next Wednesday for another image taken from the archives. If anyone has a favorite image which they would like to see next Wednesday, then get in touch or drop me a line, I would love to hear from you 🙂

For these and more of my images, why not visit my Website or join me on Facebook or Twitter.


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About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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15 Responses to Re-work Wednesday 10

  1. chirose says:

    so beautiful.!! I love high crosses…


  2. Exceptional quality of preservation. I have been doing some work on the Dream of the Rood and the excerpts on the Ruthwell Cross in Dumfriesshire. That is in a bad state.
    Great photographic quality too!


  3. Great as always. “Any requests?” yes. I request ALL of them!!


  4. Nice detail in the B&W. Also seems a good idea to shelter the ruin from the elements.


  5. A great photo. I prefer it in b/w as it seems to carry or induce an atmosphere around it .


  6. If it’s so tightly secured it’s to stop someone like me moving in. What a spectacular and beautiful ruin. I do hope nobody gets the unfortunate idea of taking it in hand and tidying it up. Not unless they’re Normans.
