Taimhleach – A Return Home

Having recently had an unexpected opportunity, to spend some time back in my hometown of Kilnamanagh, a suburb of Tallaght. It was time re-explore the history and visit some of the few remaining historical sites. I began to think about the area I grew up in, with its ancient history and then began to remember the stories associated with many parts of what was only an urban village when I was small. Previously I posted about a local castle ruins in nearby Ballymount where I have many happy summer memories of playing as a child.

Old Map of Tallaght

Located on the foot of the Dublin-Wicklow mountains, lies the town of Tallaght. In the language of our Gaelic ancestors it was known as Támh Leacht, which translates as ‘Plague Burial Place’. The Lebor Gabála Érenn (the Book Of Invasions) tells the following, Naoi mile do ecc fri h-aoin-sechtmain do muinter Parthaloin for Shenmhaigh Ealta Eadoir .i. cúig míle d’feroibh, & ceithre míle do mnáibh. Conadh de sin ata Taimhleacht Muintere Parthalain. Trí ced bliadhain ro caithsiot i n-Erinn.This translates as, “Nine thousand of them died there, the people of Parthaloin, within weeks on the plain of the flocks near Eadoir. I. Five miles about, & four thousand women. So swollen was Taimhleacht a Muintere Parthalain. Three hundred died too elsewhere that year in Erinn.”

Parthalon was the son of a Greek King who had killed his father in order to succeed to the throne but instead had to flee with his wife and followers. After 7 years wandering they arrived in Ireland. According to the Annals of the four masters the Parthalons arrived in Ireland around 2,600 B.C. Upon arrival they are said to have defeated the Fomorians whom were the native tribe in Ireland at the time. It is believed that it was the Fomorians whom built such places as Newgrange & Knowth which predate the Pyramids of Eygpt. It is said that the Parthalon’s lived in Ireland for approx 300 years when nine thousand of them were wiped out by a mysterious plaque in one week.

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About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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12 Responses to Taimhleach – A Return Home

  1. Excellent post, Edward! These stories are very interesting!


  2. Great story! I have a soft spot for the history of place names (and have more than once opened up an atlas just to find interesting names with the hopes that the story is just as fun). Thanks for sharing the story.


  3. Nia Simone says:

    Fascinating! Now I’m very intrigued by the Fomorians.


  4. a strawberry patch says:

    Wow, how lucky to get to play around castles as a child! As an American, I have never ever seen one! I have been wandering around your blog, love the photography and history. Looking forward to reading more!


  5. Thank you so much for bringing your blog to my attention! I’m going to be in Dublin for a couple weeks at the end of this month and you’ve given me some ideas already. 🙂


  6. I love looking back at old maps, trying to see the landscape through eyes from the past. I also love exploring the meaning of the place names which we often say without thinking too much about what they mean. Lovely post 🙂


  7. Jo Woolf says:

    That’s fascinating! I had never heard of the Parthalons. I shall have to do some reading! Nine thousand wiped out in one week – what on earth was that all about?


  8. Pingback: 2013 My Photo-Blog Adventure | EdMooneyPhotography

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