Baltinglass Abbey


This Abbey is one of my personal favourite sites to visit. Last week I found myself urged to make the drive down the N81 through Blessington to the small town of Baltinglass in Wicklow to explore the Abbey. Baltinglass was historically known in Irish as Bealach Conglais, meaning “Road of Cúglas”.  Conglas was a member of the legendary warrior army, the Fianna led by Fionn MacCumhaill.  It has been about ten years since my last visit here and it still holds the peaceful atmosphere that I remember. Built around a bridge crossing the river Slaney it was in Baltinglass in 1148AD that the then King of Leinster Diarmuid Mac Murchada, founded the Abbey on the east bank of the River Slaney for a group of Cistercian monks from the Abbey of Mellifont in Co. Louth. He called this monastic settlement “The Valley of Salvation”. In 1228 it is recorded that there were 36 monks and 50 lay brothers living there. The monastery would once have had a whole range of domestic buildings in which the monks would have lived and worked. Sadly little remains of this with the exception of the church.  For those whom don’t know, good old Diarmuid was the idiot responsible for the Norman invasion and subsequent foreign occupation of Ireland for many centuries.

Baltinglass 1

Baltinglass 2

Baltinglass 3

The Abbey is said to have been completed by 1170AD, the year before Mac Murchada’s death and the assumption of the Lordship of Leinster by the Anglo-Norman Richard de Clare, Earl of Pembroke or Strongbow as he is commonly known. After its dissolution in 1537 Baltinglass was one of the richest Abbeys in Ireland and held lands throughout the region. The ruins of this Abbey consist of a nave with ails and chancel church with two transepts. There are six stunning Gothic Arches beside the nave. When I arrived here, a part of the Abbey had been fenced off for renovation works, but the remainder can be accessed through the grounds of the St Mary’s Anglican Church on the same grounds. The oldest part of the abbey, built in the 1150s, is the east end of the church which has a square presbytery and a pair of transepts from which small chapel’s project. The church nave was built in the 1160s. The east windows and tower were added at some stage in the nineteenth century.

Baltinglass 4

Baltinglass 4

The Grace stone

The Grace stone

The south aisle of the church is joined to the choir by a twelfth century doorway. Part of the original cloister, to the south of the church, has been clearly rebuilt. The church also has some thirteenth and fifteenth century additions. The church is considered to be a good example of Irish Romanesque architecture. The church has carved human and animals figures and the church nave has alternating cylindrical and square piers and the bases are decorated with a range of Irish Romanesque designs. The three west windows are 12th century, but the three east windows and tower (now housing carved fragments and some medieval tiles from the Abbey) are 19th century. Joining the south aisle to the cloister is a 12th century doorway, while excavations in 1931 brought to light a north door in the aisle, parts of the original cloister (now rebuild) and an early tower which blocked the eastern two – thirds of the transept arches. The decorative stonework at Baltinglass shows an interesting fusion of Cistercian and Irish Romanesque architecture.

Baltinglass 7

Baltinglass 8

Baltinglass 9

The church is considered to be one of the finest examples of Romanesque architecture in Ireland. It also contains a rich array of carvings, including some with animals and human figures. The north-east crossing pier is decorated with lion and foliage ornaments, while a bronze crucifix in the Romanesque style also survives. The nave of the church is aisled with alternating cylindrical and square piers, which are of English origin, the bases of which are decorated with a range of unusual designs. These are said to have been crafted by the so-called “˜Baltinglass Master’ who worked on the abbey at Jerpoint. A series of tiles have also been discovered at the site; one design depicts a warrior thrusting forward with a circular shield. This tile could not be seen on this visit and has either been covered up as part of the restoration works of has been removed. Hopefully it is still there and I shall return once the works have been completed to investigate further. Another Tile of interest is the wonderfully ornate Grace Stone. The stone is presently set in an upright position, but originally it would have formed the flat top of a chest or altar tomb. The stone commemorates a James Grace who lived in nearby Rathvilly (Co. Carlow) and who died in 1605.

Baltinglass 10

Baltinglass 11

At this time the former Cistercian monks of the abbey had long been evicted from the site following the suppression of the abbey in 1536. However, the abbey church continued to be used as a place of worship for some time after, and the surrounding graveyard continued to be used throughout this period, right up to the present day. The Grace memorial stone features a centrally placed cross composed of broad interlace strap work. Above this is a floral pattern, perhaps intended as a decorative sun burst, comprising a central Tudor Rose and five rays, each with a fleur-de-lis terminal. The stem below the cross terminates in a small base that frames an IHS. At various points around the cross are a wide range of Symbols of the Passion, including the cock on the pot, crown of thorns, the moon and sun, the hammer, two flails, the pincer with three nails, the pillar and two ropes, Peter’s sword, three dice, thirty pieces of silver, a ladder, the spear and the sponge.



Baltinglass 13

Baltinglass 14

The inscription around the edge of the stone is in Latin and when translated into English reads “Here lies that noble and illustrious man, James Grace, formerly of Killerige, an inhabitant Rathvilly, who, when living in the world, was both courageous in war and distinguished in hospitality; but now, being taken from among the living, he craves, of your charity, the support of your prayers. He died truly full of days, in the year of Our Lord’s Incarnation 1605 on the 23rd day of February, in the 68th year of his age. May he rest in peace.”

Baltinglass 15

Baltinglass 16

Baltinglass 17


Adjoining the abbey is a great pyramid-style granite mausoleum, built in 1832 as a tomb for the Stratford family. I guess the reason why I like this site so much is that despite its Christian history it is bursting with great energy and it has a great peace to it. My last trip here some years ago was with the now defunct Heritage awareness group where I was first introduced to dousing. In the hour or so I spent reacquainting myself I came up against an old nemeses, one of a ruin hunters biggest enemies ‘Rain’ Not only was I attacked by numerous brief rain showers but an added bout of hail stones. Luckily enough part of the Abbey walls offered me and my camera shelter from the onslaught. Baltinglass is truly a magnificent site filled with history, good vibes and a great place to get shooting. If you ever are in the area I would highly recommend taking an hour or so to experience all that it has to offer.

Baltinglass 18

Baltinglass 19

Baltinglass 20

St Mary's Anglican Church

St Mary’s Anglican Church

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About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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52 Responses to Baltinglass Abbey

  1. suej says:

    Glad to see the predominance of monochrome images! Love the image looking down to the end of the nave, with the three ‘windows’ and shadow…


  2. Pingback: Baltinglass Abbey | EdMooneyPhotography - Christian IBD

  3. noelgreene says:

    Ed, really fantastic Post, very well researched and very well written and the images are wonderful


  4. Great photos. Looks like a good place for a visit 🙂


  5. archecotech says:

    Ed, I love your opening shot. Those are the ones we all hunt for. Thanks, I feel like I visited there myself.


  6. Kasia says:

    seems all the abbeys are being restored at the moment! I was in Boyle a few weeks ago and the Boyle Abbey had the same scaffolding. Never new there is such a place in Wikclow. Must pop in. Great pics as always 🙂


  7. Anny says:

    If those walls could talk, what stories the’d have to tell – a wonderful post Ed.


  8. Great series , again! thanks Ed.


  9. Great series, this place is going on my list 🙂


  10. araneus1 says:

    So much detail….. my head is spinning……. thank you that was excellent…….. I even felt the rain and the hail.


  11. Good to have all the history and the photos. Good to see these places getting promoted. 🌅


  12. teresamacphoto says:

    Hi Ed- your photos are beautiful! I am still trying to figure out how to post comments on this mobile app. Lol Thanks for your kind comments and words of encouragement.


  13. ebbtide says:

    what a beautiful place!


  14. Inky Vampire says:

    Precious history. Thanks for keeping it alive and sharing your images! Wonderful captures, as always.


  15. Jo Woolf says:

    What a beautiful place, so rich in history, and I love the photos. It seems to have shared the same fate as many of our lovely abbeys and monasteries over here. I love the carvings and the ‘Grace Stone’ – so full of meaning. I’m glad to know it still has a peaceful atmosphere, as so many of these holy places do.


  16. Incredible photographic images…
    There is nothing like “black & white” in capturing texture and beauty…


  17. pippabiker says:

    My first bike tour was in Ireland. Great country for riding with friendly people, free flowing beer and finding relatives. Cheers


  18. themovetoamerica says:

    Great set of photos. I will be updating my blog with some of my photos I took over the weekend. I have kind of gone for an industrial feel with them this week.


  19. Friends of UNESCO World Heritage St Lucia says:

    Once again, you capture the spirit of the “stories” in the ancient stone. The photos are captivating, particularly enchanted with the “Grace Stone”. One feels the peace and energy held there – and even the rain and hail! Thank you once again for an enchanting walk into history and beauty. So wish we could be there. Perhaps one day?


  20. Pingback: U liked, I liked, I don’t know if you will like my like! | Mr. Thursday:

  21. Pingback: Bective Abbey | EdMooneyPhotography

  22. Pingback: 2013 My Photo-Blog Adventure | EdMooneyPhotography

  23. Pingback: Killeshin Romanesque Church | EdMooneyPhotography

  24. Pingback: Return to Oughavel | EdMooneyPhotography

  25. Pingback: Cathedral of St Peter and St Paul – Glendalough | EdMooneyPhotography

  26. Reblogged this on West Wicklow Bookshelf and commented:
    This is an excellent portfolio of photographs and accompanying textual detail relating to Baltinglass Abbey. Most of the pictures are in the trademark monochrome style of the photographer, Ed Mooney, which gives a very atmospheric feeling to the scenes. Please link to Ed’s original blog to view the complete set.


  27. Pingback: Capturing History Challenge Week 13 | Ed Mooney Photography

  28. Pingback: Bective Abbey | Ed Mooney Photography

  29. Aecio Lemos says:

    Hi Ed, another great exploration. As before, I am making a video on Baltinglass Abbey and I took some inspiration from your article. You are a great source of knowledge, as to what to look for when visiting the ruins.

    Have you heard of two stories I dug up on the site? One from the Wicklow County Council tells of a mysterious frog at the base of a pillar in the nave. There were no frogs in 12th century Ireland, so it is odd that one would be carved into a pillar. The second tells of a secret inscription found in a hidden alcove that includes the phrase ‘Lux et Veritas,’ meaning ‘Light and Truth.’ It is said to be surrounded by atypical symbology for the time and place. I was not able to find a source for this story (nor pictures) so I was wondering if you knew of them.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, glad you liked it. Its been a while since ive visited baltinglass. Cant say i recall hearing either story.
      Not sure i believe the first, no frogs in ireland? Or perhaps im wrong?
      Very interested in the later, must have a look at my archives, just in case i missed something.
      Let me know when you get the video completed. And dont forget to have a look up the hill past the penal tower. You might find something interesting


      • Aecio Lemos says:

        I just HAD to do some digging on whether frogs existed or not and, believe it or not, it is a hot topic of debate! To sum it all up:

        “While the common frog is the most widespread amphibian in Europe, it was long believed that it was actually introduced to Ireland rather than being a natural native.

        It was thought that the last ice age wiped out any naturally occurring populations of common frogs on the island and that all Irish frogs are descendants of introduced populations.

        However, recent research has shown that some frogs survived the last glaciation in an ice-free refuge in the South West of the island, and as such, Ireland’s frogs are descendants of both native and introduced populations.”

        -The Common Frog

        (The Herpetological Society of Ireland)

        So this is right up there with St. Patrick having rid Ireland of all snakes. It was the ice age, not St. Patrick, and not all reptiles and amphibians were totally eliminated. Score for science on that one.

        Now, the other one I could not find ANY evidence, article or historical account of a secret inscription found in the abbey. Getting a bigger shovel to dig deeper.

        “Let me know when you get the video completed. And dont forget to have a look up the hill past the penal tower. You might find something interesting”

        Will do for sure. I will be up next week, weather allowing, and I’ll hijack your thread here with the video link 🙂 For this one, I will have to give you some credit and mention. Your post is what inspired me. I am now intrigued to look for what might lurk beyond the hill!

        Liked by 1 person

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