My Little Ruin Hunters


Saturday turned out to be an eventful day, with the wife in work I took a trip up to Portlaoise to get a start on the shopping for the new school term. With the three kids in tow, it wasn’t long before boredom set in and they began to complain about being hungry. So three Happy Meals later all shopping plans were aboandoned and I consulted with my Sat Nav. For those of you familiar with this blog, you will be aware of my Interactive Ruins Map. Here I keep an up to date listing of all sites that I have visited and those which I plan to visit in the future. There where two sites nearby which had easy access and so off we went on an adventure.


Ryan had been out hunting with me before, if fact he had about six sites ranging from the Round Tower on the grounds of St. Brigids Cathedral to the Holy Well in Tully associated with St. Brigid. We first made our way the short distance to Timahoe to see the round tower and then on to the stunning ruins of Oughavel church where Ryan (8), Ava (4) and Dylan (2) were officially sworn in as ruin hunters. They learned the Country Code,’ leave these sites in the same condition that you found them if not better. Remove any litter which you may have brought with you and always close gates behind you’. And were fascinated when I explained about the history of the round towers and the Vikings whom used to rob them :-). Little Ava now has a fascination with castles as she wants to be a princess. So our next trip out I am sure will involve me finding a suitable castle for her to explore. I shall try to post both of these sites this week.


For more of my images, why not visit my Website,or follow me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.


About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
This entry was posted in Diary of a Ruinhunter, Historical, Medieval, People, Photography, Places of Interest, Religious Sites, Round Tower, Ruins and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

31 Responses to My Little Ruin Hunters

  1. suej says:

    I was one of those little Ruin Hunters as a child….. 🙂


  2. Nice to see your ruin’s crew – which makes your pictures even more amazing – as I know you must always have to have a portion of you mind dedicated to keeping track of the help.


  3. blosslyn says:

    Lovely…you can’t start training them young enough…love the red hair


  4. Majka says:

    you have got a beautiful family, Ed 🙂
    wish you many many nice moments with you little Ruin Hunters 🙂


  5. nikond7100shooter says:

    It’s always nice to get your kids involved with your hobby. My daughter loves taking hold of my wifes P&S and just snapping away. I tried to get my daughter to come with me to explore the old grain silos in Montreal, but she said she was to tired and stayed home with mom, lol.


  6. janeanddavid says:

    Adorable kids! They look like a lot of fun!


  7. Kimberly says:

    I especially love the 2nd shot where Dylan uses the if-I-keep-my-eyes-closed-they-won’t-see-me approach. They look genuinely happy though I doubt it had anything at all to do with the happy meals.


  8. Grannymar says:

    Seeing the world from the angle of the little people gives a whole new perspective.


  9. Jo Woolf says:

    They look a lively handful! I bet ruin hunting is never boring with them around! I look forward to seeing Ava’s castle!


    • For sure, The eldest two are not too bad, but my little guy is a hand full. Turn away for two seconds and he will be half way up a wall or tree. Might look into getting him electronically tagged or something 🙂


  10. Jewels says:

    What adorable little “ruin hunters” you have! 🙂


  11. Marty R. says:

    Hi and thanks for reading my blog about Panama Viejo in Panama City. I like ruins too. Your kids are adorable and look like a lot of fun. Keep up the great photos.


  12. LB says:

    LOVE that 3rd picture!!


  13. Pingback: Timahoe Round Tower | EdMooneyPhotography

  14. Pingback: Oughaval Church | EdMooneyPhotography

  15. treyzguy says:

    Now that’s some Irish!!


  16. Pingback: Dunamase Part 1: Junior Ruinhunters | EdMooneyPhotography

  17. Pingback: 2013 My Photo-Blog Adventure | EdMooneyPhotography

  18. Pingback: Oughaval Church | Ed Mooney Photography

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