Dark Moon Samhain

Samhain 2013 (5)

I was recently invited by an old friend Con Connor to attend the Dark Moon celebration on Samhain up on Tlachtga, Samhain is the equivalent of a New Year celebration and was held in high esteem by our Celtic ancestors. I first met Con way back whilst a member of HAG, (Heritage Awareness Group). Con is also an Ard Draoi or Arch Druid. Those of you whom have been following this blog for a while will be aware of the importance of Tlachtga, for anyone whom missed this you can read more about it at Tlachtga, Sacred Flame.  Unlike many whom celebrate the Christian influenced Halloween. The Celtic Samhain took place this year starting on the night of November 2nd. I met up with Con and his wife Niamh near the Hill of Ward / Tlachtga were I was introduced to Red John and Douglas whom were joining us for the nights celebration, a while later Fran arrived. After spending a while chatting and catching up, we geared up for the weather, (which was typically Irish, i.e. raining). Across the road there is an ancient submersion well known as Tobar Tlachtga or The Druids well. Here a water ceremony was performed to bless this ancient well which is currently badly neglected and under threat, as Con explained to me, but I shall address this at a later stage. Next order of business was to mask our faces, just like the kids do each Halloween. This is a tradition as old as Samhain itself. Our ancestors would disguise their faces, to prevent malicious spirits from recognising them and causing harm. So in keeping with tradition we all had a go at painting our faces with our ‘Samhain Masks’.

Samhain 2013 (1)

Samhain 2013 (3)

Samhain 2013 (2)

Samhain 2013 (4)

Moving on,  we proceeded up the Hill to Tlachtga, after spending so much time face painting and using car wing mirrors to see what we looked like, we had run out of daylight. So my plan to make full use of my visit and get some nice images of this important spiritual and heritage site did not go to plan. However and disappointment soon vanished. Here I was standing on an ancient site with some old and some new friends about to take part in an ancient ritual performed by our ancestors from an age gone by. Just to clarify, in order to show respect for the land we do no light a massive bonfire as many would believe. I wonder even if our predecessors would have lit such monstrosities on a sacred site. Instead we used what I can best describe as a small fire cauldron, which brought back some fond memories. This was in fact the very same cauldron which had been used over ten years ago when I attended Full moon ceremonies on Tara. Niamh did the honours and created the first spark which lit the fire. Once the flame had caught, we gathered around the heat of the fire and Con began the celebration. I won’t go into the full extent of the ritual  which was conducted in Gaelic, for those with an interest you can find out more about the Celtic traditions on Con’s website Druidschool.

Samhain 2013 (6)

Samhain 2013 (9)

Samhain 2013 (12)

Samhain 2013 (11)

Transporting the sacred Flame

Samhain 2013 (10)

Tlachtga Ceremony

Following tradition, once finished, the sacred flame was then  moved to a lantern for transporting to our next site, Tara, another sacred site, which was also the seat of the High Kings of Ireland. So once the flame was safely secured and the fire had gone out, we made our way back to the cars for some refreshment before continuing the nights journey to Tara some 7.5 miles away. Making good time we arrived at the car park and met with some others who were gathering to celebrate Samhain. It was a good turnout, but with the weather misbehaving the way it was, it was decided to hold the ceremony in the car park instead. Once the sacred flame had been transferred from the lantern a new fire was lit in our cauldron at Tara just as it was many years ago. A large circle was made around the fire and the ritual started, this time by Red John. It was a special time for me looking back, as it afforded me the chance to take stock of life and clear out a lot of the negative baggage I have been carrying. Half way through the ceremony the threat of rain disappeared as the skies cleared and the stars came out to play. Once the ceremony was completed, people stopped for a good chat, there was some great banter and a bottle of some foreign beverage was passed around, (strictly to combat the cold, I assure you). Then it was off to a nearby petrol station for some coffee before heading off to the final destination of the night, to perform the final fire ceremony at Hill of the Witches in Loughcrew. With the benefits of the warm drink taking effect, I was warned that our destination was a good hour’s drive north, which would have left me with a three hour drive to get home once we were finished, so I decided to call it a night. After saying my farewells, I set off home after a most excellent night of celebration. I couldn’t have imagined a better way to end the year A big thanks to Con, Niamh, John, Douglas and Fran for their hospitality on the night. It was an experience that I shall not forget soon and I hope to return next year and do it all over again. 🙂

Samhain 2013 (14)

Samhain 2013 (13)

Burning Dried Sage in the Cauldron

Samhain 2013 (18)

Group shot at Tara

For more of my images, why not visit my Website,or follow me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
This entry was posted in Diary of a Ruinhunter, Events, Halloween, Historical, Nature, People, Photography, Places of Interest, Religious Sites, Sacred Well, Samhain and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

37 Responses to Dark Moon Samhain

  1. dalo2013 says:

    Great photos, great post. The history you bring out is so valuable and mostly a lot of fun to join the ride you bring to us. Cheers!


  2. Interesting post and great photos. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Nice shots under less than ideal lighting conditions.


  4. Rajiv says:

    I like the pics!


  5. The Pagan New Year IS my favorite time of celebrating. It’s right up there with my birthday! 😉
    I was thinking about doing a photo story or similar about the traditional Samhain celebration
    but didn’t have time. Perhaps next year? Would love to visit Ireland. Interestingly, I think about the country during the Fall months & Samhain. Keep in touch!


  6. mengeleblog says:

    Great photos, great post.


  7. LB says:

    I have learned so much! The painted faces / masks are great!


  8. impressionmade says:

    these are really nice pictures


  9. Debunker says:

    Bliain Úr (phágánach) faoi mhaise daoibh! / Happy (pagan) New Year to you! Looks like a great night …


  10. Fascinating! I so enjoy these posts-I learn so much. Terrific photographs too for the time of day/night-it looks pretty nippy there too!


  11. Pingback: Clane Friary | EdMooneyPhotography

  12. Pingback: 2013 My Photo-Blog Adventure | EdMooneyPhotography

  13. Pingback: Brian Boru Millenium Festival 2014 | EdMooneyPhotography

  14. Pingback: Tobar Tlachtga (the Druid’s Well) | EdMooneyPhotography

  15. Pingback: Ráth Lóegaire | Ed Mooney Photography

  16. Pingback: Dark Moon Samhain | Ed Mooney Photography

  17. And to think some people get excited about pumpkins…

    Liked by 1 person

  18. No pictures of you in your make up Ed?

    Liked by 1 person

  19. jfwknifton says:

    I’m really glad you and your friends are helping to revive the old beliefs. They have taken a bit of a battering over the last two thousand years!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. great images and it looks like a great time. Wonderful tradition to keep alive!! Thanks for sharing it Ed.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Sounds like an amazing experience, shared by you and your friends. Loved the face paint too!


  22. Such experiences dig deep into your ancestors past… and paying them such a lovely tribute is remarkable. All around the world you find other ways of celebrating the All Saints, interesting is that many cultures have something in common: purification, interiorization, collecting the Energy inside self… more or less just what Mother Nature does letting the leaves fall down and bringing the lymph back to the branches.
    Thank you for sharing :-)claudine


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