Dumha Na nGiall

Dumha Na nGiall (1)

The first noticeable structure within the Ráith Na Rig or Fort of the Kings is a Neolithic passage tomb known as ‘The Mound of the Hostages’, or to give it its correct Gaelic name ‘Dumha Na nGiall’. This is most likely the oldest structure at Tara and is believed to have been built sometime around 3000 B.C. This makes it over 5000 years old.  The name is actually quite misleading; this was most certainly not a burial site for prisoners. Considering its location right next to the Royal Seat, the people that were buried here, would have most likely been of significant importance. The truth is that the term ‘Mound of the Hostages’ was a later name given to this mound and derives from the ancient custom of the Ard Ri taking members of lesser kings families into his own to ensure their loyalty. Although they are known as hostages, they would have lived quite good lives and would have been treated no differently than the Ard Ri’s own family. Why this burial mound was given the misleading name is unclear? Perhaps it was here where the exchange of hostages would have taken place, or maybe this part of the Royal city is where these hostages might have resided? One of the most famous Kings at Tara was Niall Noígíallach or Niall of the Nine Hostages. He was the founder of one of the most influential families in Ireland with twenty-six of his descendants becoming High Kings of Ireland. It is said that there are over 3 million people living today, whom are descendants from this bloodline. Niall was famous for his use of hostages and his name derives from the fact that he was said to have kept one hostage from each of the five provinces of Ireland and four from Britain, (yes back in the day there were five main kingdoms in Ireland, Uladh or Ulster in the North, Laigin or Leinster in the east, Mumhan or Munster in the south, Cruachan or Connacht in the west and Midhe or Meath right in the center).

Dumha Na nGiall (2)

Dumha Na nGiall (3)

The first thing you might notice is that its design is quite similar to the nearby Cairn at Newgrange, be it on a much smaller scale. Despite its age, it would appear to be in really good condition when compared with similar tombs at Knowth, Loughcrew and Newgrange. And it’s the only other site on Tara that has been properly excavated along with the Rath of the Synods. The mound itself is almost dome shaped, measuring approx 15-16 meters across which rises to a height of about 3 meters. As you can see from the diagram below there is a cut-out in the north east part of the mound for the enterance, which was framed by two standing stones. Today there is a big dirty Iron Gate and padlock preventing entry, but you can still peek through these bars and view the inside. The inner chamber is only about four meters in length, by about a meter wide and almost 2 meters in height. This four meter chamber is basically the outer chamber; there were two other similar chambers behind this. Presumably these were either blocked off or filled in after the extensive excavations back in the late 50’s. Thankfully there is a rather interesting items contained within the chamber. It’s a rather impressive orthostat, containing a number of engravings, which some say represent celestial bodies such as the Sun, Moon and Stars. Another theory is that it is a prehistoric calendar? Another interesting theory I came across, was that this was an ancient map of Tara itself. Whilst some parts do match up, it is not an exact match from what we can see today. But then the landscape of Tara would have well been very different back then.

Dumha Na nGiall (4)

Dumha Na nGiall (5)

The people whom constructed these tombs displayed a far knowledge of both construction and astronomy.  As was common practise with many of these passage tombs, the Mound of the Hostages was aligned in such a way that the rising sun would shine down the passageway and light up the chamber. This only happens twice a year, on the morning of Feb 4, Imbolc and Nov 8, Samhain. The three main chambers were once used to store the remains of the deceased and the mound is believed to have been in use from the early Neolithic period right up until around 1600-1700B.C. presumably because they ran out of space? It was common practise back then to be cremated, and so the ashes or charred remains would be placed on the floor of the tomb along with some grave goods. During excavations their where many items such as bone pins, pottery, urns and stone beads found amongst the remains. It is believed that there were between 250-500 remains buried within the mound, each burial was covered over with a stone slab and stacked in layers. From previous excavations we know that many burials continued at the mound during the Bronze Age, in fact there were so many, that they ran out of room in the passage and had to resort to putting burials directly on the mound. With over 40 remains being removed from the mound, many contained cremated ashes which were covered by various urns. There was one full body recovered from the mound. It was that of a Bronze Age adolescent, who was put into a small pit on the mound in a crouched position along with a decorated bead necklace, bronze knife and awl.

Dumha Na nGiall (6)

After some recent archaeology investigations by the Discovery Programme at Tara some new evidence has been found which revealed that the entire hill of Tara was surrounded by a massive Henge dating back 5000 years ago. This find is said to have been a three meter wide trench with rows of large posts erected at a distance of one meter on either side of it. The top of the mound is the highest point on Tara and from here on a clear day; there are some stunning views of the surrounding countryside. You can even see Slane hill and the hills of Loughcrew. One of the great things about the solar alignment at the mound is that you can easily see it, weather permitting of course. Unlike the much larger tomb at Newgrange, where there is a lottery system in place to gain access at winter Solstice. On a final note there is a rather interesting connection between the Mound of the Hostages and a certain young hero Fionn MacCumhaill whose brave actions saved Tara on one faithful Samhain night. I won’t tell the full story here as I had planned to use it in a later piece. Some of you may already know about the Monster Aillén Mac Midgna whom terrorized Tara every year. On that faithful night Fionn was able to beat the Faerie magic of Aillén and chased him out of the great Hall at Tara. When he finally caught up to the monster it has been said that the fatal blow which killed Aillén was at the mound of the Hostages.

Dumha Na nGiall (7)

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About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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57 Responses to Dumha Na nGiall

  1. Special place; well captured!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tish Farrell says:

    Wonderful photos, Ed, and v. informative post. Was interested in the reference to the adoption of ‘hostages’- the family members of lesser kings. A similar tactic was used by the Inca to strengthen the Empire, the sons of conquered leaders brought into the Inca fold. Very effective.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ali Isaac says:

    Another great piece, Ed. I havent been to Tara in a long while. I see theyve fenced off the mound now, is that permenant or temporary? Also what do you think of the crazy paving effect to the entrance of the mound? I saw pics of it just after it had been done, it looked horrendous, not like restoration at all, but maybe it looks better now it has aged and weathered a bit. I love that story of Fionn mac Cumhaill btw, but you already know that! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Ali, The fencing must have been temporary during the restorations. the paving isnt so bad, it seems to have blended in over time, I guess it was a nessecary evil to combat wear and tear at the mound. My Mum told me that she went their on a school trip one year and their was no gaate on the entrance. Its a shame that you cant go inside and that they blocked of the two inner chambers. Makes me wonder what is in there ???

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ali Isaac says:

        Dont get the conspiracy theorist in me started! I think that about Knowth. By all accounts the interior was very well preserved. The passageway is very well described, but not the chambers. The amount of stone art suggests this was a particularly significant site, yet it has been sealed with concrete and an iron gate. So is it really sealed inside, or is access available to a chosen few? And why? What did they find inside? Mounds were said to be the gateway to the Otherworld. People assume the spirits of the dead passing over. Im not so sure. What if it was more literal than that? 😊

        Liked by 1 person

        • LOL, its a head wrecker for sure Ali, and what about the underground Temple on Tara? when the powers that be start hiding stuff and blocking public access to national monuments there has to be more to it than they are letting on.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Ali Isaac says:

            Underground temple??? Thats a new one on me! Got any links on that? I never believed the Lia Fail is the actual stone, either.


            • Let me check when I was researching I came across something about radar penetration, Thats how they found it.
              Lia Fail is most certainly a fake. I stood there, touched it and it never screamed out, so it must be a fake LOL.
              The pillow of Jacob is obviously the monks putting a christian spin on old pagan history.
              And Im not so sure about the Stone of Scone either.
              Think about it, why would the DeDannan leave with only three quaters of their Treasures????


  4. Rajiv says:

    Oooh… I like this

    Liked by 1 person

  5. noelleg44 says:

    Fascinating, Ed. The teenager whose remains were found – do you think he or she was some special person? The age of this boggles the mind.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. beetleypete says:

    This put me in mind of the ancient Egyptians, Ed, doing similar things at around the same time, but on a larger scale. Another valuable history lesson, and as usual, well-illustrated too.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Fascinating. Great photos and article. Enjoy the comments discussion too.


  8. aidymcglynn says:

    Fascinating read Ed. I definitely found this to be the most impressive part of Tara on my visit, due to it still being prominent today, and its great to have the benefit of your knowledge on the location.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Always a great day when we can beat fairie magic! Now if we could just beat misogyny, homophobia, and racism…

    6 stars out of 5!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Moreh Richard Fulk says:

    Personally Ed, I enjoy the depth you go through in explanation of as much information as you possibly can find with your exquisite photos you have for each of your posts, very well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. very wonderful post, nice pictures! interesting and great information!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I didn’t see fencing when I was there either two years back. These tombs are similar to the well known one in the Orkneys too- Maeshowe cairn with the solstice alignment and shining through the door and the three chambers.Thanks for your wonderful and informative histories Ed.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Wonderful shots and history.


  14. Interesting stuff Ed. You really do like the old things and write at a prolific rate about them. You would do well on Mastermind’s specialist subject!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I’ve made it quite clear to my nearest and dearest—I’m having one of those when I die.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Aine says:

    I have enjoyed your Tara posts – fascinating!! Thanks, Ed!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. belshade says:

    The fence makes a great photo but in real life it must spoil the atmosphere of the mound. Enjoyed reading your account. I had to concentrate on Newgrange and Dowth when I was over – time was short and commuting to Ireland from NZ is becoming a pipe dream, so I appreciate your info and background. Des.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My pleasure Des, if we dont have dreams we have nothing. Suprisingly the fence actually blends in well with the surounds. I assume it was put there to prevent the collapse of the mound over the entrance. To be honest I have seen alot worse at other heritage sites 🙂


  18. Thom Hickey says:

    Wonderfully atmospheric. The mysterious and mystical still present. Regards Thom.

    Liked by 1 person

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