Chradógaigh Standing Stone

Chradógaigh Standing Stone (1)

Kildare is probably best known for its horse breeding and flat open plains, unfortunately we don’t have an abundance of ancient Neolithic monuments, there are no great Stone Circles or Burial Tombs so to speak. But what we do have is a fine collection of Standing Stones or Menhir’s, which includes the tallest one in the country. Aside from Castles, my favourite sites to explore are the many standing stones to be found scattered around the country. Marking the land like the needles of an acupuncturist, in fact I was once told that they were used by our ancestors as such to harness or balance the natural energy of the land similar to how acupuncture works. Whatever use these stones had, they remain to this day quite fascinating. The Gaelic name for these stones is ‘Gallan’, and there are numerous interesting stories associated with them. My personal favourite concerns the legendary leader of Na Fianna, Fionn MacCumhaill and the nearby Long Stone at Punchestown.

Chradógaigh Standing Stone (2)

Chradógaigh Standing Stone (3)

Just opposite the main entrance to the racecourse at Punchestown, lies the Standing Stone of Craddockstown West. Thankfully it is under a Preservation order, which means that it cannot be touched or damaged in any way. And although the Land owner seems to be respecting this, fingers crossed it stays this way. It resides on a slightly raised part of a crop field and can be easily seen from the road. This massive megalithic stone stands at just over four meters in height, with a slight lean to the west. This tall granite stone tapers towards the top.

Chradógaigh Standing Stone (4)

Chradógaigh Standing Stone (5)

This is one of several such Monoliths in the Kildare area, I have yet to visit the final two which have been somewhat elusive so far. Similar to the standing stone in Kilgowan, this monument has a large base with signs of packing stones around its base and tapers to the top in a conical fashion. There is a rather nasty looking scar near the base and a vein of quartz running across it. As always this stone lies within a crop field on private land so if you do get a chance to go and see this for yourself, please seek permission before entering and try to stick to the tractor marks so you don’t damage the crops.

Chradógaigh Standing Stone (6)

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About edmooneyphotography

Photographer, Blogger, Ruinhunter, with an unhealthy obsession for history, mythology and the arcane.
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47 Responses to Chradógaigh Standing Stone

  1. Ali Isaac says:

    Wow that’s a stone and a half, Ed! Dont think I’ve ever seen one quite like that. Its very distinctive. Quite different to our usual stones, which tend to be shorter and more squat, at least they are around here. Those edges are quite sharp… do you think they might have had Ogham inscribed on them once? I am so intrigued by this!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It sure is, but wait till you see its neighbour 🙂
      For such a big stone, I thought there might be some history to be found, but sadly not, I could not see any signs of ogham inscription, but it does look like a suitable candidate.
      Too be honest I would have taken it for a folly, but the NMS have it listed with a protection order. It is said to date back to the early bronze age. Their true purpose has always intruiged me 🙂


  2. M.N. Stroh says:

    You have me curious. What is the story concerning Fionn MacCumhaill and that standing stone?

    Liked by 1 person

    • It relates to the nearby standing stone at Punchestown, which I hope to share later this week. As the story goes, Fionn in a show of strength flung the stone from his base at the hill of Allen. It landed in Punchestown some 30 km away. Not a bad throw in fairness 🙂


  3. Absolutely fascinating idea that the stones were used like acupuncture to harness the earth’s energy. What an interesting image you created with you words and pictures, a landscape dotted with these tall stones. I wonder if they might still be serving the land and creatures in some way?

    Liked by 1 person

    • They may be Cheryl, unfortunatley with all the modern day construction and desecration of these ancient sites I doubt they are of much value anymore. That said, many of them do retain and emit certain energies so perhaps all is not lost 🙂


  4. They are truly amazing although dare I say- also a bit rude. 🙂 As always the histories behind them are just as fascinating and mysterious.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. smackedpentax says:

    Fantastic photos, and a great tale. I love these old stones 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sue says:

    Most interesting, and I love that last image – nicely moody….

    Liked by 1 person

  7. jfwknifton says:

    Those photographs could have been taken in Cornwall. Not absolutely identical, perhaps, but certainly the same people erecting them. And “erect” probably being a key word, actually.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. simon682 says:

    I wish I’d discovered your work while I was still teaching composition. These pictures are wonderful in themselves but would be inspiring as stimulus for creative writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. adeleulnais says:

    Wonderful pics as always. The interesting thing about quartz is that it acts as a conductor energy can travel through quartz and be amplified. Maybe our ancestors did use these stones as a communicating device as all through Britain and Ireland there are many. Just a theory but one that keeps coming up at the moment. Would love to know if these stones were set on ley lines.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ah now we are begining to delve into something interesting. I have a little working knowledge of this subject. The veins if the earth, ie underground streams are all over the place, water in motion = energy. The point where two flows meet can create a vortex, this can be seen in big rivers. Some rise up and some desend. So by using a big stone or needle we can manipulate the earths energy. This is however only theory and if true would be a technology long lost to modern society. Many years ago we learned how too use devining rods and would practise at similar sites 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. beetleypete says:

    An impressive monolith indeed, Ed. As always, your moody photos add the atmosphere that must have accompanied their use in ancient times.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Wow. Your black and white photography blows me away. You could give Ansel Adams a run for his money. The depth and texture is great.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Wonderful drama filled images of these evocative and mysterious stones…..I do love a good standing stone😊💕

    Liked by 1 person

  13. The first leg of my walk ends at some stones in Avebury and I plan to take a good look around them once I am at the end of the Ridgeway….

    Liked by 1 person

  14. chattykerry says:

    I have never seen a standing stone quite like that one – fascinating.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Pingback: Gallán Bhaile Phúinse | Ed Mooney Photography

  16. Pingback: Gallán Bhaile Phúinse by Ed Mooney | Daily Echo

  17. jazzfeathers says:

    I didn’t see any standing stones during my recent visit to West Ireland. Shame. But I suppose this means I need to go back and look for some 🙂


  18. Pingback: Chradógaigh Standing Stone | Under Western Skies

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